
At first I was on board with the movement, then I started to think about where Blizzard may be coming from. I listened to the ‘picking a class’ analogy. I don’t mind there being consequences for my choices. I started to come to the light.

Then I learned more about the systems and was able to think through how it will actually play out and every combination I could think of ended up feeling bad in some way. And the one covenant I want to be is the absolute worst by a freaking mile for the content I do.

Pull it.


Most people here would agree with that.

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roflrofl “movement” what Social Justice you absolute Warriors fight for.

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Nah, many of us are very thankful to have meaningful choices added to this mmorpg. This isn’t Fortnite, choices should have consequences.

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lol for real.

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If they disagree with me they’re just social justice warriors! Okie dokie, I guess.



I have returned, as I see a certain level 10 classic priest is still claiming he only wants to play if player power is tied to covenants.

Alas the RPG argument is still wrong and I’m off to bed. There is no compromise with dictation. Let player freedom ring as there is no blatant reasoning that it shouldn’t. The idea of bring the player and not the class is long dead. To propagate the notion now of bring the right spec’d covenant player isn’t a better system. It is a failure to recognize there is a problem before the problem turns into a giant burning fireball that causes mass extinction in sub numbers (see I can do end of the world generalizations as well :smiley: )


Blizzard is setting a president for power and personal style to be linked with each other. This thankfully ended in the days of transmog, and I do not wish it to return.

I understand everything having pro’s and con’s and what they are aiming for. However their content is far too varied to do such a thing. Many people will be pigen holed into specific content due to their covenant choice’s and sadly they will not be able to get into the rest of it when needed. And knowing Blizzard they always put your best gear on the boss your worst at.

They have shown a poor track record of getting things fixed in time. Right now this system is so un-liked that even if it turned out fine, it would still get a negative overview.

Please pull the rip-cord and un-link class abilities from covenants period.


Did he just quote himself like he some MMO visionary? lol what an idiot.

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Yo, pull it.

Don’t screw up another launch. I’d like to actually play this expansion.


Pull the rip cord!

WoW justice for all.

:+1: :+1: :clap:


#PullTheRipcord for everyone’s sake. Freedom for all!



All aboard the ripcord train!


I am not partial to min/max’ers either. However they moan very loudly and bitterly take out out on everyone else when they don’t get their way. Problems that shouldn’t be problems will become problems because the min/max’ers will ensure that it is a problem. Blizzard I emplore you not to go down that rabbit hole.

Let our choices be PURE. Let my design/covenant asthetic not be tainted by a DPS choice and let my DPS choice not be tainted by the lure of the sparkle.

I don’t care if it takes me a week to change my class skill with a quest on the side to do so. I care that I can do it and it’s not linked to my covenant.

Min/maxers are not worse than other people, they’ll often provide argument and logic with their point. If anything this community has been the most toxic toward top end that I know in any video games, it’s kinda unique to wow.

Min Maxers are logical. However many times they feel that just because they are using logic they no longer have be civil. The backlash hate that is coming at them now has stemmed from years of having to sit and listen to them. Backed in the corner without a real counter argument attempting to pick thru a spreadsheet using a brain that is already half dead after work and all you want to do is play a video game and relax.

I’m not saying it’s right but I am saying I have seen the pattern of a Min/Max’er when they don’t get their way. I saw it reflected in PL vs ML. The pro ML people simply thought of a harsh solution to their problem and implemented it, they just got super strict on invites and attendence.

If you think that Min/Max’ers won’t get super strict on invites in realation for not getting their way then frankly your too optimistic.

Oh clearly, more you push back agaisn’t min/maxers more you’ll get their anger out. I think that’s fair.

But I don’t feel min/maxers act that much out of spite for not getting their way.
It’s just that it’s just more enjoyable for them to be efficient.

Guilds that were strict are still strict they didn’t become worse or better because of personnal loot.

Who cares? Make your own group or join a guild. Problem solved.

I’m not saying all will. I am saying that many will.

Also I’m actually on the same side with them this time. I want them to pull this rip cord. Not for their reasons however. It’s because I want my design choices and my DPS choice to each be pure choices that are un-linked from one another. How I want to role play should have nothing to do with my player power and vice versa.

My transmog doesn’t effect my dps nor should it EVER effect my dps. Link dps with dps to build meaningful choice’s…don’t cross the streams.

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I get Marg’s point, however I feel the context isn’t place properly. Being strict isn’t out of anger or spite it mostly is just out of efficiency. Anyone can do any content. The question just becomes effort and group goal against time and progression of stress toward that goal.

So the join a guild and etc I get the sentiment but there are missing points that can be filled in to make the discussion slightly better.

As well, I see someone finally got out of the cave of allegories. Come have a discussion.