Yeah, the others will base it off what other players in game tell them.
Bit out of the discussion
I feel master loot was a pretty great rpg element and had a lot of meaningful choices tied to it as you would have to find the right guilds and people to trust. But I would be surprised to see people that want covenants to be lock being people that want master loot.
For me the issue is more what players wants than what it really means for the game.
Some players as they said before just want to hurt people that want to be able to switch, others mostly don’t care and feel other players should play like them.
I don’t feel that’s good enough personnaly to justify covenants in their current state.
And those who don’t, won’t care about power anyway, so having the option to change to suit the content they’re doing is irrelevant anyway, so what’s the problem with unlocking covenants?
Or they will pick what appeals to them personally.
So the roleplayers will continue roleplaying and not worry about content? Wow, it’s almost like pulling the ripcord changes nothing for them!
What is the problem with opening all classes and letting me change my race and faction at an inn?
Something important and consequential.
Like you being 2/12 LFR, your highest key is a +7 and you’ve never done arena.
Opening covenants means there is no weight to the choice, making it shallow and meaningless.
Not everything needs to be switchable.
Coming from a Classic alt. Skip
Thats quit the slippery slope.
I disagree with that. There would be plenty of weight to the choice of picking my covenant if the abilities weren’t tied to the selection.
Pretty vague. Is something made more important and/or consequential to you inherently by putting a restriction on it?
based of your profile i doubt yo could handle classic lol
It would be less meaningful if all we had to choose was fluff.
It would be as meaningful as you make it.
Classic is where I would go if I wanted ezmode.
And no one would assign pride or identity to covenants if we could just be all of them.
Usually the more restrictive the choice, the more importance it has.
Correct. And the guy who is 2/12 lfr at 449 would have a hard time with that.