
You just keep putting words in peoples mouths, don’t you? Time to put you on ignore.

“criticism makes you fake” :clown_face:

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Again, because 2 actives we have access to for 2 years is somehow equivalent to a class choice. Cool argument, bro.

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Imagine wanting a large potion of the player base to feel bad as opposed to if they got their way, your own playstyle would be affected zero percent.


End of an expansion and I’m leveling potential main’s.

‘Stating opinion as facts.’ :poop:

This is what you said. You said real players complete the content. The subtext being that players who don’t complete content aren’t real players. That’s some real achievement shaming, there.

That doesn’t change the fact that you have no previous AoTC, or as much current content done. Your statement is flawed and hypocritical to what you said to that poster.

That’s a bingo!

No it doesn’t. I’ve no interest in AoTC in this Tier and this account started in 8.3.

It would be affected. I’d lose all sense of covenant pride and identity.

Only if you choose to swap. Oh look, it’s that word again…choice. Isn’t that a big one for you guys? You can choose to remain loyal…and because everyone else isn’t forced to, that would make your choice more meaningful, right?

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They don’t care about meaningful choice. They’ve made it blatantly obvious by this point.


You’ve no clue what meaningful is without changing the definition.

For this I agree, which is why I feel the abilities are the things that should be unlocked.

I’m just basing my definition of meaningful on the way it’s used here.

I don’t. Player power means a harder and more meaningful choice.

It’s almost as if ‘meaningful’ is subjective, and changes depending on perspective. For example, a cosmetic covenant choice would be meaningful for me and would also allow me to use all the abilities while staying inside the covenant that I choose. Meaningfully.

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How is going to icyveins meaningful?

Not everyone is going to choose based off what that site says.

Give me your definition then please?