I already played Vanilla. I’m not retracing fifteen year-old content.
They could easily make the abilities switchable like talents without making people leave a covenant which would be a good enough deal for most people. There’s a lot of exclusivity already with each covenant, not everything has to be power related to be meaningful or to be as powerful as some abilties are.
Meanwhile, people have faction pride and that doesn’t come with any much powers. Only racials that are within 2% and aren’t that much powerful, which is what covenants should aim to be.
Then disassociate player power with covenants, turn the covenants into a full rp/aesthetic choice and make covenants unchangeable or hard to swap. There, now we’re all happy.
If you can handle a key in BfA you can handle everything Classic throws at you.
I wouldn’t be. Power is fine.
So power is the only thing that gives you faction pride and identity?
I would argue that it would be more meaningful. Players will be able to easily identify which covenant performs most optimally for their spec and most players of that spec will go to that same covenant. There won’t be a real choice from a power perspective; it’d be like playing sub optimal azerite traits.
If power wasn’t impacted by covenant, then the choice would be more personal.
You could still optimize sub-optimal builds and do the majority of the content.
Sure, when you getting carried by people at 475
Are you really trying to make the case that Classic content is hard? Lol.
Yes, and the same is true of covenants. I thought your goal here was to sell me on these being meaningful choices.
I would feel a stronger bond to my covenant if I didn’t secretly or openly hate that my ability is lame and always is whispering in my ear to go to the ugly covenant that I don’t believe in or like the rewards of so I can enjoy my button pushing more.
Yes. It means my night fae warlock is a fundamentally different person from that necrolord warlock, and when we meet on the battlefield we will prove which covenant is stronger through our chosen powers. It would be far less impactful if all we had were different transmogs.
That is your choice. You could pick the one you like if you wanted.
What’s the problem with just having a quest chain that awards us a full set of mythic raid gear and anytime we want a new mount we just select it from the dropdown menu. Once again, and I can’t believe this still needs to be explained – a class is not a covenant. A class is something we choose at the start of the game and is the vessel through which we play this game. A covenant is a random, arbitrary borrowed power system that will last for 2 years and then go away. Understand? Do we finally understand the difference between a class and a covenant?
Having to choose whether to take the less trodden path IS a meaningful choice. A ‘sub-optimal’ Covenant can still clear a majority of the content. If players want to optimize everything to death for Mythic-level content, that’s another hard choice.
Covenant factions aren’t permanent, they’re an expansion feature. The whole “pride” argument kind of falls on deaf ears in that regard.
That’s fine. We don’t know which aspects of covenants will carry over anyhow.
No, just hard for you
So why not open up classes? How would my choice to turn into a paladin affect you?