
Well they’re trying to work around this by putting buffs in dungeons. So pre made groups are going to want to have a person from each.

Which to me adds more weight to the unlock abilities side of the ripcord issue, because now if you want to be a team player, it not only means you may have to bite the billet for aesthetics you don’t like but ALSO an ability you don’t want.

Now it feels bad x2 to be locked.
I still think locking covenant is good. But locking abilities is bad.

Some may say the mechagon robots are optional. However, Because that dungeon is tuned specifically so that you can’t do them well without the buffs at higher levels, they don’t feel optional at all. Which btw is fun and makes the dungeon feel unique without making anyone feel bad…unless you die with no robots left :(.

Anyway just pointing out another reason abilities should not be tied to covenant.


I mean, I put the wikipedia link right in there. I can lead you to the sub sandwich, but I guess I can’t make you eat it. What talent are you taking in Shadowlands?


There are no talents in Shadowlands. I’m taking the Venthyr ability for my druid, I have a special place for its button, kind of like when I had a Garrison Abilitiy.

So now they’re not only locking our covenants, they’re taking away our talent trees!? Blizzard, what the hell!?

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“Covenant abilities aren’t talents”

-Brought to you by the same group of people who keep telling me that “If we allow covenants to be swappable, we have to make classes swappable too!”


I said nothing of the sort, but I can see why you get confused often if your argument boils down to ‘is this a sandwich or a sub?’.

And also the people who brought you:

“If you unlock covenants, this game will turn into a FPS with raids!”


The dungeon buffs are totally outside personnaly of what I think of covenants.
They don’t fix covenants, they are for diversity purpose only as you only need 1 per dungeon. I’m totally fine for dungeons buffs vs a lot of big streamers that feel it makes the game worse.

I think they should add more dungeons buffs and things classes and races can do and interact with in dungeons.

I’m the weird guy that does about everything. So my point of view I feel is very different.

I think the covenant concept can work. Just that what i see on the beta doesn’t and isn’t that much interesting.

signature abilities are homogenization
Soulbinds are homogenization
abilities are just dps talents mostly (and aren’t that much interesting)
Conduits are probably what I like the most about covenants, but the weekly lock is a bit a downer.


‘Covenant abilities are talents’

  • Brought to you by the same people who consult a website to tell them how to play the game.

Imagine using math to determine the strength of an ability. I knew HS calculus would come in handy one day, now I can truly be the 1%er I always dreamed of being!


Imagine being able to swap abilities so healers can actually test them in the content our role requires instead of having to consult a website because there’s no way to get out of our choice.


Imagine being so completely inept at decision making that you need a website or a simulation to make them for you…

Yeah, look at those losers who look up what to play.

Real players play with each covenant in a raid setting then decide for themselves…oh wait


I guess I just won’t be as special and unique as you.


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Real players would actually complete the content instead of complaining about it…

Please don’t tie my character’s RP to power. I’ll be forced to play Night Fae on a DK. Why the ever living hell would I want to play Night Fae on my DK? Let my edgelord be an edgelord without that decision impacting power

So people who don’t complete content aren’t real people? Who’s the one achievement shaming now, brother.

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It’s sacrificing a meaningful RPG choice. The game feels shallow and meaningless if you could just be all covenants.

While we’re at it let me just be all classes races and factions. I don’t want to be undead today, let me be an orc. An orc monk today. In Boralus. WHY ARE YOU RESTRICTING ME BLIZZ REEEEEEEEE.

I still think the best borrowed power system they did was the Legion Artifacts. I don’t understand why they can’t just replicate it btw.

Except you don’t have any content done at all…? What…? Hypocrite much?