
Leggos are account bound, well the patterns are. FYI


Except they’re not.

I feel you’re the type of person that thinks hotdogs aren’t sandwiches.


Except they are because they change up the play style and you have to choose it for a certain situation like a talent.

I can keep throwing facts all day. But, just saying stuff that doesn’t make sense isn’t going to make your point anymore validated.


Thanks - I’ll be curious to see how season one turns out.

You’re not throwing facts. That’s your opinion. The fact is they’re not talents. They’re Covenant abilities.

They’re not talents. Get over it.

My current view on what I see.
Pve people will pick about the same covenant.
Pvp people pick another covenant.
About 2 covenants will be dead most of the time for each classes.


Hotdogs aren’t sandwiches.

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Point proven.


Maybe - the reason I’m not so sure is that some people may reluctantly strike a middle ground between BiS tank and BiS damage abilities, or even utilities for PvP, that results in more variability than expected.

Talents hidden behind a “different” name.

Just like our troll friend pointing out a hotdog is a sandwich because it has a different name, and the style of the bun.


Well, they aren’t. Why would you think they are?

You don’t call a sub a sandwich…

That would still requires a lot of work just to get there from where we are.


It’s a submarine sandwich, of course I call it a sandwich.



This has been long settled. A hot dog is a taco.


I really can’t tell if I’m being trolled right now, tbh.

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A meatball sub is not the same as a BLT. What are you on about.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.

Covenant talents are talents and subs are sandwiches. What do we wanna discuss next?

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Covenant abilities are not talents. That’s why they’re called ‘abilities’. Context is important.

Is this because Preach brought it up? Preach is British, he wouldn’t know good food unless he colonized it.