
And fix by functionality or tuning?

And no, you will never be optimal for everything unless there is a spec that is ahead of everyone else in everything, and it is the specific one you chose. This is not something achievable or expected in wow. However you can ask for classes and covenants to be closer to eachother, and I think everyone would agree with you.

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere. So we agree they function exactly the same as talents, which means we can move on to the next point. Why aren’t they unlocked? And you can use the garrison abilities point all you want. Was WoD a great expansion that everyone loved? No? Then why are we going into Shadowlands with the same design philosophies?


Then let them change it then. Covenants are coming out as is, so I get to experience the game as intended regardless.

Because people don’t read guides on their class and end mog farming or doing LFR, and getting kicked out of M+ because doing a little bit of research makes this game into “a second job” rather than a hobby.

Last time I checked the way to get better at a hobby is to do research.

They’re not talents. Stop equating everything to a talent. You are not entitled to every power because it happens to exist.

Some just can’t be tune as they have different momemtum.

If you buff a big cd by too much, then people can take advantage of it way more.

So smaller cd and easier to use cds will always be the best if they’re balanced.

And that’s not talking to covenants that are very specific, because there’s a lot of them that are basicly specialized to a very specific situation, most often those more tuned for pvp.

There’s a lot of work to do.

Was BFA a great expansion that everyone loved? No? Then why would you want to go into Shadowlands with the same design philosophy with talents and just changeable loadouts based on content?

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I said they function like talents. We’re not talking a 1:1 comparison here, all we’re saying is they function the same. But, I digress. Why do -you- want them to implement WoD design decisions into Shadowlands? Do you want a return to WoD? Did you feel it was a well received expansion?


My point is … Covenants are not just built with TOP end game in mind. That was my point. M+ and Mythic Raids are a small faction of the gaming community. Are they just suppose to redo the covenants abilities for top DPS, or TOP HPS?

Garrison abilities are basically world buffs, and world buffs don’t change up the style of our game play of your class.

Because having talents be changeable is exclusive to BfA. Not like we could change talents in MoP, or had dual spec in WotLK. Or could change talents in Legion, right?


They don’t function like Talents. Just stop, right there.

No one complained about the garrison abilities. People were fine with garrison abilities. Not too many people knocking down the door to make them ‘talents’.

Thank you for proving my point.

I’m neither. I might do some M+ and heroic raiding in Shadowlands, I just don’t want to be punished for wanting to experiment. I feel the top end players already have a workaround set for this horrible decision in Shadowlands, so really…this system is designed to punish me more than it is them.


Do we really need to dance this dance again?


Corporate wants you to find the functionality difference between these two spells.


Dude, have you read anything we’ve posted?

No, just make it so covenants are easily interchangeable for the playerbase.

We like that a certain covenant “ability” is better than another, that’s the whole point of an RPG and min/maxing for a certain situation.

We don’t like it when the choice isn’t easily interchangeable or were punished for switching to what’s best for our groups, our raid team, or our PvP team.


Doesn’t mean it’s a talent. Just because you can find another 3 min CD doesn’t mean :poop:. It’s not a talent. You’re wrong.

Funny you bring that up. I completely agree. Looking at WoW’s population over the years a fair argument could be made changes during WotLK started the decline of WoW. Vanilla grew the population. TBC grew the population. WotLK at the end started seeing a decline and that has continued basically every expansion since then. Coincidence?

It’s not a talent yet. I can’t wait!

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