But they’re not talents. They are powers unique to the Covenant that its attached to, much like Garrison Abilities in WoD.
They. Are. Not. Talents.
But they’re not talents. They are powers unique to the Covenant that its attached to, much like Garrison Abilities in WoD.
They. Are. Not. Talents.
You can simply not change and play how you want. Problem solved. Stop trying to force that on others.
BTW I think the game would grow if they allowed some races to play both sides (as it makes sense in the lore) and for things like dual-classing to be a thing way more than covenants will ever be.
Proof is, if you made a server where you can switch covenants it would be the most populated. No argument.
3 minute CD that grants bonuses to haste, damage and healing
3 minute CD that grants bonuses to certain spells and healing.
Both of these things influence my gameplay in a very similar manner. Things are going bad, press a 3 minute CD button. So, how are they not talents again?
Because the gameplay would be far easier. Why try to work with what you have when you can just pick what you want ad-nauseum?
No, but my father is. That’s all that really counts. Unfortunately, WoW has been poorly balanced for most of its history. I think howling to the sky about something new is what stifles big companies from even taking a chance and delivering something fresh and fun to fans. I’m in excited for the new system, even if I’m 5% under “efficiency” than competitors across the same spec.
It is. Its hilarious people are trying to argue this lol
They’re not talents. Just because you think your entitled to them, doesn’t make it so.
And what hashtag I use to be against what you are suggesting?
It also doesn’t discourage since the power gap is not relevant. If you don’t want to try pvp because you are not optimal for it in every little bit you are probably just creating excuses to not do it
You’re literally hurting my brain, dude.
Everyone’s end game is different from another person. When has player choice ever been a detriment to anyone anyway?
Do you really think the people doing LFR are going to stick with the game for the long run, or even progress to higher ends of raiding where bosses are harder and matter.
You may not do it, 60% of the playerbase may not do it, but the CHOICE for the players that want to do it, and min/max to do it are there.
The stupidity of these people is mind boggling.
They function exactly the same as talents do, this directly counters an earlier point you made:
So, let’s address that. Let’s handle one issue at a time here. They function the same, so when you said “None of the Covenant abilities do that.” You were wrong, correct? Once we agree on this point we can move on to the next one.
Wow had decent balance for most of it’s history. And always got balanced more after some point. It’s not because they can’t get perfect balance that they can’t aim at it.
The sky ain’t falling for covenants, the concept in pratice the way they did it doesn’t work BECAUSE it will be easy for min/maxers to choose if anything right now 1 or 2 covenants are best for each classes. And 5% efficiency less is a good one, some covenants don’t even work most of the time or don’t do any damage.
Its been proven. THe majority of people don’t min/max everything they do in WOW. They do to a lesser point. Maybe people want it locked so its another aspect of their game they don’t have to continuously adjust.
When they change the system you going to come back and admit your wrong?
Admit what? Covenants are coming out as is, this hashtag is super pointless.
So they just need to fix 1 or 2 covenants?
To quote Meatloaf, Two out Three ain’t bad.
So does Garrison abilities, but they’re not talents. So do World Buffs, but they’re not talents.
Covenant abilities are not talents. Get over it.
They need to fix 3 covenants out of 4 for most classes. 2 is the exception.
The vast majority of players are not coming on the forums or places like MMO champion. What do you think is going to happen when they find out they are locked out of a talent for no reason? Blizzard will change this just like they had to do with leggos, just like they had to do with azerite, just like they had to do with corruption, just like they had to do with essences.