
Can I just point out how hilarious this comment is considering that as it stands currently, one covenant ability is head over heels better for every single Rogue spec over all the others.


Now hold on there this is my main and I mainly do LfR and I say



Bellular is the ambulance chaser of Wow. You made a stink, and man, does any ol stink cause him to come a runnnin.

And it sounds really petty coming from Bellular.


A lot of them formed a new guild called Echo

it was 2 sentences and no stance was given.
Congrats I guess?
Unless I missed him saying something substantial on it?

Read beta feedback on covenants. They’re never going to balance them.

How many times is Blizzard going to make the same mistake?



I honestly love the idea of choosing a covenant to be loyal to because of its aesthetic and storyline, but I know in my heart of hearts that I need to choose what is most valuable for raiding. Then it’s going to get nerfed causing me to regret my choice because no borrowed power has ever been balanced enough for there not to be a correct choice.

Then there’s the issue of abilities that are awesome in arena that are less than worthless in PVE.



That sounds hypocritical of you.

You want to freely choose what you want from the covenant, but keep the rest of it gated.
If we take out “pLaYeR pOwEr” then take out everything. I don’t want to have to choose between just transmog…what a stupid choice.

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I’m so proud of this community. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Covenant player power is fine. But I’d be willing to meet halfway with a compromise to reward covenant loyalists with extra perks, while allowing to switch.

The question is, are the ripcord pullers just as reasonable?

‘Stop trying to force your gameplay on people.’

  • “Blizzard please change the game before it’s even released.”

‘This will effect casuals more than Cutting Edge players.’

  • “You don’t have my achievements, your opinion doesn’t matter”

This is primarily why I oppose the ripcord pullers. They’ve done nothing but dismiss the opinions of those who like the system and do everything to attack achievements and such.

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They need to pull the ripcord on their changes to mount speed and flying. It’s terrible for leveling. :frowning:

This is absolutely fine, my main issue with the system is some abilities are worthless in PVP, and some abilities are worthless in PVE. Being able to swap depending on the content I’m doing is all I need. I just want people to know I think the concept of swapping the covenant itself does sound stupid, it’s the player power attached to these different covenants that swing the pendulum of what you’re good at that I have a problem with.

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There are abilities that are quite literally useless for PVP that are astounding for PVE, and vise versa. I like doing Mythic progression, decently high m+, and competing in relatively high arena. Having to choose what I suck at is really lame, all other borrowed power has allowed me to swap what I want to be good at.

How many licks does it take to get to the center of the Borrowed Power Pop

The world of warcraft will never know

We have had people say give a reward to people that are loyal .

We have had others say let us earn the class abilities from helping the covenants and making all the ones from a person’s specific class work with the soul binds of the covenant they want to be loyal with for rp purposes.

Us rip cord pullers have actually been quite reasonable and have thrown out various ideas . To be honest the anti pullers might be more unreasonable .

Most don’t throw out reasons other then because or we want to see this group or that group suffer imho