Whats the point of getting better gear if secondary stats are just gonna be capped anyway? Big ol RIP.
Especially on top of mob scaling.
Remember during Legion when Ion promised that mobs would never scale based on ilvl?
And then people proved that it did, and he was just lying?
Remember when they promised that legendaries would be targetable from launch, which is the main reason it didn’t get as much heat in beta as it did on live?
And they didn’t actually do it until the final patch. I expect a similar result from covenants, just like Azerite.
Crit and Versatility > Haste. Very complicated.
The takeaway I got from that change was that we can expect extremely high levels of secondaries again.
Cause without Corruptions, I’d basically be completely unaffected by the nerf. I’m at like 37%ish Haste unbuffed, and I’d lose like 1% Haste total, which isn’t enough to make other stats not awful.
But with Corruptions, I’m like 75% with just the Haste food and my ring buff, and if my Vita or Flashpoint is active, I’m well beyond the 106% hard-cap.
I can’t see any reason they’d implement a hard cap, or even the harsh scaling beyond 40% if they didn’t expect us to hit it. Which makes me concerned that Corruptions 2.0 are on the horizon.
Oh and also after the first tier or so, secondary proc trinkets are going to be completely dead in the water. So that’s fun.
I thought it was going to ignore procs? It should, as if it doesn’t that’s going to become a problem.
I don’t know if scaling is going to get out of control again without titanforging, though if they add more layers to the covenant system, which they really shouldn’t - we may get there.
It only affects rating, so abilities that give flat amounts like Bloodlust or Reverse Entropy will be unaffected.
Nothing in the WoWhead article points to procs which give rating (trinkets, azerite traits like Flashpoint, or essences) being excluded from it.
I’d be more okay with that if it wasn’t for the fact that they haven’t made a good proc trinket since Legion.
Stat sticks, stat sticks everywhere.
Yeah, BFA trinkets were kinda forgettable as a whole.
You had some really strong “hit button, get stats” trinkets, but not even Font or Coral were as crazy as say, UVLS or RORO back in MoP, they were just ridiculously overtuned.
I’m worried about what’s going to happen to specs that have passive increases to a certain secondary. As a MW i gain mastery at a 3:1 ratio, meaning 1 point of mastery is worth 3 points for me. Mastery is our worst stat by a mile just because it doesn’t scale with our toolkit.
So does this just mean that my mastery sucks even more? Because if so, some of that passive power I’m losing needs to be redistributed somewhere.
Does Mastery have a really high scaling, i.e. 100 Mastery = 10%, whereas for other specs it would equal, say 5%? Or do you actually get triple the rating?
Because Mastery, since it scales differently for every spec (unlike Vers/Haste/Crit) will scale off of rating (Edit: Technically every stat will be, but it’s easier to discuss % for those). So every class will see diminishing returns start to kick in at say, 2000 Mastery rating, no matter what the actual % of Mastery is for each spec.
There were some interesting trinkets but they were so weak that nobody cares.
The strength one from Temple was cool for five seconds before it took a hit.
M+ stagnating the loot table really didn’t help.
For like 80% of the expansion, I basically just used Balefire Branch + whatever raid trinket was good.
And then you have the reverse situation where razor coral and font are BiS at heroic level over mythic level Nyalotha trinkets.
Cries in never getting Font
I was mad about that too before I got dice+gale, my shaman’s my lucky character, I swear. Mail privilege.
It is worse without reforging.
Because with reforging we can actually diversify stats based on reaching the new soft caps they have put in place for the upcoming expansion. Now? Tough luck.
Credit where it’s due, we can enchant more slots now to make up for it.
Enhancement will probably be the most stat dependent of my main trio.
My Brewmaster Monk that I basically never play got a 475 Dice out of like my second or third chest this tier.
Meanwhile my Warlock has gotten nothing but hot garbage. I only finally got a helm with Flashpoint on it like a month ago, long after we’d killed N’zoth.
Oof. :c
Our guild’s on iggy but I let a trial take my spot because I was taking an extended break from raiding as SL draws close, never got to see Mythic N’zoth, and I’m okay with that. >.>