its the same jokers starting the spam threads and the same players correcting their hoax. Not surprising at all.
I’ve yet to see a refutation that wasn’t just a bad faithed, accusatory assumption.
I don’t feel that a new team will help. The problems are much deeper. It’s the mentality of the management/leadership and too much corporate culture seeping into Arts (Games are an Art)
Blizzard is making games based on market research, they need to change that approach.
Well, look on the brightside. That sets the stage for gameplay where it makes sense that you gain powers from one covenant, keep them, and go help the others (i.e. ripcord)
Not to mention Zuldamar was anti-ripcord until literally a day ago. (No disrespect)
I knew I was forgetting someone
If it comes out as bad as we fear it might be the new # tag might just be
Well I don’t know what focus groups they are using to make some of these changes. But I can see that they are trying to make several vanilla changes to the retail client for the upcoming expansion.
I think they are learning the wrong lessons about vanilla game play. What drives vanilla game play are the classes, gear and community.
Yes. All this requires very bold overhaul. A risky gamble.
At this point it would be too risky to do that with the live client. What they could do is at least make gear just be gear and not focus too much on rental systems. Class design definitely needs more attention because they are making talent changes as we speak while expansion is basically two months away.
Unpopular opinion. But I feel Ion really wants to make the game good but he just doesn’t have any control on how to design the game. He is just told what to do.
During WOD, he appeared very lively and cheerful. Now his enthusiasm appears so dead. It can be seen from his face.
Rental systems have it reasons to be there. To avoid bloating.
Maintaining so many expansions feels unsustainable now.
Best solution is Wow 2.
Oh, if you don’t like Covenants being locked then why do you accept ABSURD STRAWMAN?
Checkmate atheist.
Something something elitism.
Something something I have a job and cant learn complex classes.
Something something I main bm hunter.
WoW 2 isn’t going to solve the problem if the diablo devs import their idea of borrowed power there. Diablo improved when they shipped these devs off of the project.
Step 1 is accepting that borrowed power is not sustainable and not adding to the core WoW game.
Tier sets are an example of borrowed power that is often reworked with the release of an expansion but were not outright deleted.
BlizZard can make it work but they are being very lazy and careless with their product now.
While I understand this is a big problem with the industry as a whole and probably other parts of the game, keep in mind: Bobby boy isn’t sending Blizzard a memo saying to make pvp gear RNG, or to make azerite traits unbalanced, prune abilities or make professions crap.
Blizzard has quite some blame in this, and Ion is responsible for a lot of the speed bumps we have to deal with now. His entire design philosophy centers on speedbumping every inch of the road that he can get away with.
Well from his point of view they pour all their resources into raids and could care less for the rest of the game. So it is cheaper to just speed bump everything else and pretend it is normal.
What they did to professions in BFA was a great tragedy.
One would think they should have learned that lesson from WoD where sitting in garrison, or doing raids isn’t going to cut it.
Not BFA. WoD. WoD started it.
I get the impression that Ion either surrounds himself with yes-men on the internal side of things, or is very firm on his stance no matter what until the bean counters proverbially slap him upside the head and tell him to stop it.
Considering how he works with people like Danuser or Holinka, I wouldn’t be surprised if he had that ‘my way is the only way’ attitude.
I can’t take the great unpruner seriously as there is no communication with class design intent. Meanwhile they are still changing class talents which should have been happened like four months ago?
A little too late when people told them that priority #1 should have been class design after coming out of Battle for Abilities.
This I agree totally. But how to avoid bloating as newer expansions releases ??