Something something glass houses something something throw stones
That’s my point though? most people aren’t playing this game 24 hours a day. The hardcore min maxers, people in like top 100 guilds they have all the time in the world. They were going to be playing for insane amounts of time anyway so grinding up multiple characters of the same class is honestly a minor inconvenience to them.
I have a lot of raiders going back to school when Shadowlands comes out, they aren’t going to have time to level up 3 more characters to join different covenants so they can test different builds or try to be optimal in multiple forms of content. They get to play with one Covenant that they have to research before hand because we all want to try for a high spot on our server. We aren’t some super hardcore guild either, we wiped on heroic dog for like a month, hell we still pug some of our mythic raid spots but it was still fun getting 6/12M.
It’s gonna suck though that through the Shadowlands journey a lot of our guys are going to be forced into things they may not like visually or gameplay wise and will never be able to try out new builds because the choice is semi permanent and Blizzard can’t balance them within any sort of reasonable percentage of power.
You guys keep saying “forced”, but that can’t be further from the truth. You’re allowed to pick any covenant you want, and you’ll do fine. Just like it was with Legion legendaries.
When you have a choice between a 30% power upgrade and a 5% power upgrade how is that a choice?
He cleared Heroic in early Legion without good legiondaries, so clearly they were never imbalanced and covenants won’t be either.
Because you don’t need 30% power upgrades if you’re not a cutting edge Method raider.
Pick what you want. I plan on it.
The difference between our first mythic maut kill was literally less than 30%. We got it because everyone in our group remembered to pre pot. Power is even more important to players who aren’t the best in the game.
Imagine the difference in difficulty our group would have to face if we all picked terrible covenant choices and were at a 30% disadvantage for no reason other than we didn’t do our research. That’s just being dumb.
Wrong. I can’t join the maw covenant
That’s fair. If it were up to me you’d have that option though. Always thought we should be allowed to pick the villain storyline.
I am masochistic. Broken bones turns me on hence that covenant is perfect for me.
Why the fuss. You’re going to play the best Covenant
I wanna play edgy vampires but its looking like dumb DK’s are the best covenant
You got sat or you made a new character. Legit that’s what happened in any remotely competitive guild. The difference was 20% plus. You didn’t do good dps you did good dps compared to people who didn’t know how to play. If you were on equal skill level though legs were a huge deal.
Are you guys leveling 4 versions of your classes for optimization n all ??
I’m leveling at least 4 tanks I don’t have it in me to do 16 which means I just won’t play certain aspects of the game that I enjoy
A guild lock in a game like Skyrim would’ve made a lot of sense since that game is all about story. It always felt weird that I could be a DB Assassin, the leader of the Mage’s guild, Theives guild and a war hero that protected the empire even though I also assassinated the emperor. Skyrim was a really weird game tbh.
Release date feels so rushed.
It’s extremely rushed there are still major major issues.
I know…and because of that I can feel it in my spirit that we are one step closer to a new WoW team coming into the fold.
Yes my take is spicy but so be it as this point. Another BFA isn’t going to be accepted by players or by Activision-BlizZard bean counters.
I did the same thing I did in bfa. I leveled as many characters as I could while having a “main” in a guild that raided heroic and later mythic. I would do m+ and other efficient weekly sources of gear and lego drops for characters I liked playing, there were a number of those who got trash legendaries that I outright stopped playing because the first two leggos were trash. Of the ones I played, most of legion I was going back and forth between a warlock and monk of which I played the monk because ww was fun for most of legion even if it couldn’t get any good legendaries in any reasonable time. Still raided with the warlock for most of legion because it was luckier.
It wasn’t a hard time investment one dungeon a week and sometimes puging a raid if i really felt like it. It felt real good having my performance between the two characters be determined by something completely out of my control and thinking about it still evokes a vague resentment. To a lesser extent I did that for bfa too with the residuum vendor and titanforging being potluck. My monk didn’t get velens until mid antorus and it was the actual last mw legendary it could get, legion legendarys were a detestable system and they should have fixed it far sooner then they did.
A side effect of this is that I did all 36 mage towers because I had the characters sitting around from fishing for a bis character+prelegion leveling.