What? That was fixed already, just double checked, all the faces show up just fine with tattoos (which was the issue)
The oiled allied race bug is fixed too
What? That was fixed already, just double checked, all the faces show up just fine with tattoos (which was the issue)
The oiled allied race bug is fixed too
Sorry, what’s your point here? It’s about keeping the hashtag at the top of the forums. Just because it’s not another who’s your favorite forum poster thread doesn’t mean we’re banned from discussing among ourselves.
Thanks for your contribution #PullTheRipcord
I mean, i don’t care either way, they can do what they want /shrug.
I’m not changing mine regardless.
Just continuing support
Bless you, #PullTheRipcord
Not too many people probably look at this thread here because of the title. It doesn’t reference covenants at all. I figured out it was related to that because I clicked it random. Try changing the title and see if that helps.
I dunno about echo chamber, I had some really good back and forth conversations with Sonechka and Zuldumar. A few others as well that I can’t recall the names of. I don’t think anyone in here is trying to stamp out anti pull the rip cord either. I’ve found it interesting arguing my points and trying to counter theirs. This thread has been more fun than the game right now tbh.
Mostly stopped replying because there hasn’t been as many anti ripcord posts here. It’s not really as interesting if there are no arguments to try to counter.
Wow is that true?
I can’t believe it…what is happening to this game? I mean doesn’t anyone sit down and say does this make sense?
lols it’s would be funny but yeah
I guess I need to post in this thread because I am falling behind compared to others.
Covenants right now on paper is basically Bone spike (Necro) or go home for Rogues.
Anyone that tells you otherwise is basically looking at theoretical numbers which doesn’t make sense in flow of the game play.
Venthyr slaughter for example on paper may be better than Bone Spike but when closely examining that it falls off quickly and reapplied it doesn’t make sense. Especially true as it replaces poisons.
But there hasn’t been any tuning yet, so in practice and what is being played in beta Bone Spike it is for Rogues. Necro or bust in most instances.
And this is why you can’t trust BlizZard to make sound balancing when they ignore issues like this for over three months.
Bonespike flurries too lol.
So honest question for you guys. In Legion when you didn’t get your BiS legendaries right away, what did you do? Did your characters just melt and become unfunctional or something? Or did you just push on?
I didn’t get my “good leggos” until the very end of Nighthold and Trial of Valor was about to come out. Proud member of the Sephuz First club. I still did good DPS, and once I got those awesome gamebreaker leggos, I started doing great DPS. But I was still going to raids, and still contributing, without them.
Same deal with covenants. You’ll do fine no matter what you pick.
Talm’bout, leave that dang ol’ ripcord in, yo!
A Kyrian DK is not going to compete at all with a Night Fae or Venthyr DK. My Brother was testing condemn compared to the other warrior abilities on beta today as well and he was laughing at how crazily it out performs every other Covenant.
Like I can kinda understand lore and rp arguments but please man, we have evidence of how badly you can gimp yourself if you pick wrong. You’re basically just lying to people by saying their choice won’t matter.
This is always going to be the issue at the heart of Covenant’s.
The idea of “different but equal” has never really been a thing, even if Blizzard are ontop of balance (which overwhelmingly, they’re not).
When given the choice between things like specs, legiondaries, essences, corruptions, azerite traits, talents and so on, the overwhelming consensus is basically “just pick the best one lol”, and Covenants will be no different in that regard.
You only need to look at how many Mages are playing Fire compared to Frost or Arcane, or how many Hunters are playing BM over SV and MM to realize this.
Grymes is a concern troll. He doesn’t actually care about Covenants, or ML, or pretty much any raid relevant topic.
This is how he actually feels about Covenants.
So why are mages playing frost or arcane, and why are hunters playing SV or MM?
Oh I care about covenants. That part you quoted is just a nice bonus. Elitists have run roughshod over people in this game for more than a decade.
Damn, petty. In the end it won’t really matter to them, they’ll have 4 alts with everything they’ll need to succeed and the people who can’t spend that kind of time to grind that much we’ll end up with a less fun experience because they’ll either always be gimped for one of their specs that they want to play or a piece of content they want to do.
A lot of it literally just spite. They’re happy to hurt themselves if it hurts other people more.
It’s kinda sad, but what you can you do. Seriously, look at his post history. It’s crazy how often he just changes arguments and backflips on posts he made like 10 minutes ago.
So he wants to go back to a community that helps people, but has also been terrible since pre-release beta.
I actually have only two characters I play with any regularity. A warlock main, and a rogue I boosted to 120 to open lockboxes with. So 3/4s of the covenant storylines will be locked out to me. And I’m totally cool with that. I’m not a child whining about getting that other piece of candy too.
Good to know you support bullies. That’s how I know your position has no real substance.