
Because what a lot of casuals enjoy, RPing, collection, etc, is stifled by covenants being locked.

I get it, technically they are not talents, which is why I said glorified talents. They could not change them and add them as a talent row like the picture on Reddit, and it would work just fine.

Are you just really bad at reading or purposely making yourself denser than a brick? What part of “your example” did you not understand?

More like shifting the posts for your idiotic arguments centered around hyperbole and fantasy make believe settings.

In full context, I said it was typical of her to assume anything about me.
Me as a person, in real life, not the avatar on your screen. God you’re thick.

They think that because despite being the most strident defenders or the system, Blizzard doesn’t actually care about their feedback enough to give them beta.


Because “akin” is so much different than “like”

Except that’s not happening. Not matter how much wishful thinking goes into it, external powers are not talents.

I’m not the one asking for an in-game hand-out :slight_smile:

Says the guy arguing for a change that’s not happening before release? Good look in the mirror there.

Here we see yet another fallacy presented when the user can not comprehend a definition even when presented with it in its entity.

Can you say it with me? Ad Hominem.

We’re just giving our feedback based on personal experienced from playing on the beta.


Yes, I’m arguing for change because I’ve played the beta and understand what it’s actually for.

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None of us know this except Blizzard. All we know is that the times they tried to lock people in to borrowed power systems with no flexibility it has failed miserably.


I don’t really care what you do in the game, and I would argue that no one who’s posting here on the forums is “qualified” to say that this or that is best for the game.

However, if Legion and BFA systems are anything to go off of, we have a pretty good idea of how this style of implementation works by now, and we don’t really want a repeat.

I’d argue that it would be equal. Players don’t care how much is required to swap, they just care about whether or not you are the thing they want. To that end, why is the answer to keep them locked?

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Your attacking the wrong end of this problem. The min maxers are the symptom. The problem was generated by the way Blizzard thinks.

If ION says things like “there will always be a wrong choice” then it’s Blizzard building a reason for Min maxers to exist.

If the choices are of the same value just for different things then it doesn’t homginize and makes it a meaningful choice that is dependent on your specific style of play.

But I ask you…WHAT in the ficken heck does how I do my dps and where I like to do it have anything to do with what my covenant should be. My covenant should be a choice between what style packages and RP I like…thats it!


Disagree. People who min-max do it because they want to, and there’s no problem with that.

I never understood the mentality that makes someone look at a complete stranger and go “look at that loser putting effort into their hobby”.

Ragnoks favorite fish is red herring

You can lead the uneducated to a book but apparently you can’t stop them from eating it.

Except there is flexibility, on a timer, which follows most MMO trends. The length timer can be shortened no doubt, but to say that there isn’t one is disingenuous.

A 1 week timer isn’t flexible when the game has a 1 week reset.

Again, not arguing that point.