What’s the fallacy when you assert unrelated points to try to discredit anything your opponent says instead of advancing the debate of the original topic?
Red Herring!
What’s the fallacy when you assert unrelated points to try to discredit anything your opponent says instead of advancing the debate of the original topic?
Red Herring!
Can we get to 4000!? Keep those posts coming, everybody!
Interestingly enough, I would probably give that a shot lol.
Never said that, I am fine with what min maxers do. However I have meet them and they can get annoying when your on the wrong end of em.
But my point was Blizzard built the need for min maxers in the first place.
I would say that Blizzard allowed the over-competitive to dictate parts of the content where sub-optimal builds still work.
Of course you would
Since you guys have seemingly given up on the meaningful choice and the RPG argument, do you actually have a point anymore besides the fact that you don’t like mythic raiders?
I’m hardly dismissing anything. I have made all the points I needed to clearly long before this last post.
I was simply having fun at your expense because you brought the conversation to the level of a two year old screaming “You… you… poo splat!”
If I committed a fallacy it would be an ad hominem not a red herring. Damn man even after explaining these to you over several posts you still don’t get it. I think that will be it for me, clearly I will never be able to teach you proper English.
Have you heard of…
Preach going on a bender about WoW being Pay To Win when his guild loss world first.
Preach has never raided in a world first guild??
I don’t understand. What do you mean “dictate parts of the content”? What do they dictate outside of their own raid/partys?
Well yeah lol. My first thought would be something similar, at least to a degree, to Destiny raids.
What content was dictated by that? I’m still a bit confused
Isn’t Limit a World First Guild?
Destiny and D2 raids are actually fantastic.
Yes? Preach has never been in Limit. He’s never even raided on NA servers.