
And yet, people are already linking pictures asking for specific things. You think them being freely swappable will make that more or less common?

How so? I responded to a comment regarding homogenization. Which, contrary to your comment, has happened before. MS was an example of a unique buff. That was given out to other classes. At one point Fury had a version of it as well tied to Wild Strikes. It was pruned from some, not all.

If you don’t think there is a correlation between asking for covenants vs. classes/ specs to be homogenized or irrelevant, that is one thing. But to pretend we’ve never had it before is another.

Or people arguing in favor of keeping covenants locked. :clown_face:

You see, you can’t actually change your class within WoW.

Which is the difference between CLASS Order Halls and Covenants. You can change Covenants in Shadowlands, even now, so your comparison kinda falls flat.

I wasn’t going to say this but the red herring in this case was presented by you with the statement that

This was the distraction from the original argument. She responded to this which is a separate argument from the first.

I really don’t get why people try to name fallacies when they clearly do not understand the definitions of said fallacies. It does not make you look intelligent. My advice would be to stick to every day English.

Anubarar serves up nothingburger!

You can simply play alt’s to play different class order halls, just like you can with covenants.

They’re not talents. I know its really hard to understand, Preach included, but you’re not entitled to everything because you feel that they’re glorified talents.

You can change your Covenant, courier.

So, we agree then, freely swapping covenants does not solve the problem of getting to play what I want.

You can change your Covenant already though.

We’re just asking for the restrictions to be loosened, since they already exist


Ah I’m unaware of any restrictions because I don’t care either way, what are those restrictions and why do they harm you guys if like you say you can already swap covenants?

Better question is, if Covenants are freely swappable, does that mean I can still play the Covenant I want in progressive content?

I never said anything about abilities moving between classes, I said no one has ever asked for anything remotely close to your example, ever. It was nonsensical hyperbole built around an argument no one has made.

Whats more, the amount of goal post shifting you have done throughout these threads is ridiculous. I ignore hyperbole because it doesn’t serve any purpose outside of making yourself look incredibly foolish.

Wrong. Min-maxers on this forum thread will go look at your parse, raid progress, M+ times, and your achievements and use them against you. It’s commonplace throughout this thread.

Additionally, thinking they know what’s best for the game for everyone is also derived from that mindset.

So when I said “it’s typical”…it’s because it is.

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It’s funny that you guys think these abilities are more than they are. Every single one of these abilities could be a talent, some of them probably will be talents in 10.0.


I don’t care if it’s more or less common. I know that I’ll be playing with people who don’t care. I also know if I decide to pug I am willing to accept the limitations of my covenant choice.

It always comes down to being willing to say no. If there’s so many people who want to stick with one, there will be plenty of groups for them to join.

Now if my GM shows up at my house and hits me with pyros till I swap, it’ll be a problem and I’ll stop taking drugs.

But they’re not. They. Are. Not. Talents. It doesn’t matter what happens in the next expansion.

No one has ever asked for homogenization? Ever? Pures never asked for self healing or utility? Ever?

No one has ever asked for spells and abilities locked to other specs or classes? Ever? Ok.

Giving a mouse a cookie is shifting goal posts? Ok.

But the thing is, you already can’t play the covenant you want in progressive content. The gating is still gonna happen regardless of whether or not covenants are freely swappable.

So how does opening up Covenants help casuals when they’re still going to be gatekept from playing the Covenant they like?

You made a claim that she knew nothing about you. She then countered by showing that she did. The parses mean nothing in this case as to whether it was a red herring or not only that she responded to a second argument presented.


But hey this post is a great example of a red herring.