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Which again, totally matches the point of you being indifferent to Covenants.

Conduits are not part of your covenant choice outside of 1 Potency conduit which will go unused for 90% of specs. Also talents are spec exclusive. Remember that your covenant choice is 1 output active, 1 utility active, and 2 combat passives. That’s it.

Sweet, sweet chaos.

I’m excited for when this goes live so I can enjoy so much more!

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Just like always. Nobody’s able to force them to change. If someone decided that sticking with one was more important, that’s the meaningful choice they get to make. The consequence being they may get accepted to less pugs.

There’s guilds and communities full of casual, no pressure people. And the idea that nobody joins non meta groups is hogwash. After all, there’s so many people out there that hate the meta/minmax/elitist crowd that there’s plenty to fill those relaxed groups!

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Souldbinds and Conduits.


Still doesn’t mean that they’re talents.

You made a clear statement. She answered with

Which is not in this case a red herring. It is providing a clear example that she in fact knows something about you. It is not a distraction from the argument but rather a separate argument that you brought up yourself.

For clarification

A “ red herring fallacy ” is a distraction from the argument typically with some sentiment that seems to be relevant but isn’t really on-topic. This tactic is common when someone doesn’t like the current topic and wants to detour into something else instead, something easier or safer to address.

“Overwatch has guns. Hunters can use guns. I guess WoW really is Overwatch.”

We got people in here that didn’t even know the MDI was on a tourney realm arguing that the whole live game will become 100% homogenized like the MDI if we fix a system we’ve never had for 15 years.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Why do you keep trying to shoe-horn Covenants into my explanations?

Ah yes. The people who want WoW to be kept the way it is are totally players from another game and want to turn WoW into that game.

Makes sense.

What do you think this topic is about?

When Classic will fall down, because it will it’s just a matter of time.
I wonder how many players will keep playing wow.
Because FF14 is clearly taking a lot of the market and we’re getting 2 new mmos in 2021? Might be a bad year for wow if wow doesn’t step up. Shadowbringers already made FF14 grow insanely with BFA.


Ah how could I forget that in Legion we were able to swap between class order halls silly me!

AND it was out of context of the OP discussion it can be both.
Red herring :clown_face:

I think Pull the rip cord means different things to different people.

For me it means: Taking the class only abilities and removing them from the covenants and forming a independent power structure system at a new NPC. Where you choose the class ability you want and then your soulbinds in your covenant work with that class ability that you have chosen.

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You can wrap it any way you want, but they are glorified talents. I included the soulbinds in my post which was 2 combat passives, that’s all you get from soulbinds. So again, do you think it would be a good idea to lock everyone to their talent choices at the beginning of an expansion?

Or better yet, what borrowed power system was successful when it locked players in to a specific choice without the ability to change?


For sure #pulltheripcord is just basicly the name for people that wants covenants to change or a compromise. It’s easier to all go behind the same name than to ask for different things.


I love to laught at the preface of “ah yes”, it’s akin to people adding “like” in between every word when speaking.

It’s even better when the person replying to you has no counter argument so they pick something silly like a person’s spelling etc…