We know you’re a grey parsing priest who hates mythic raiders for seemingly no reason.
Or maybe they’re points that are valid in an echo chamber?
Seems weird you think I’m defending a system that I’m completely indifferent to. WoD was pretty much the pinnacle of WoW the MOBA with latter expansions trying to break the ridiculous accessibility players have.
Well teeeeechnically it does impact me, the problem with this entire argument is one side assuming their style of play should take precedence over another. For example as a filthy casual who just wants to collect stuff and for arguments sake lets pretend I care about the RPG aspect. So on one hand we have this and the other people who want to play mythic+ as you say. Who is to say which one should have more of an impact over the other aside from blizzard?
The noun focus can be countable or uncountable.
In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will be foci .
However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be focuses e.g. in reference to various types of focuses or a collection of focuses .
In this case however he could have made skill plural while keeping focus singular.
But its a forums were the idea is to communicate. He was able to clearly communicate his idea thus who really cares.
But being able to swap covenants doesn’t affect your ability to play the way you want to. In fact, being able to freely swap covenants makes it easier to, as you said, collect stuff. That’s kinda where I’m confused
“I’m Turnberry. I claim to not care about how anyone else plays the game, but then feel compelled to go research how they play the game. I’m helping
I got bingo!
Seems weird to defend a system you’re indifferent to.
I’m indifferent to archaeology, but you don’t see me posting hundreds of times in threads about it.
Edit: hundreds, not dozens of times.
It doesn’t affect the way min-maxers want to play the game either. They just have to play more.
I don’t care if you want to parse grey and never try to improve. You just said we don’t know anything about you, I’m just saying that we do.
I would love to take mortal strike, trap, turtle, and CA from my surv hunter and get access to them on my fury warrior.
Disagree. If they are freely swappable, you will in fact not be able to play what you want. You will be expected to swap to the meta covenant at all times. That maybe how you want to play, but not everyone does.
You are correct in that assumption, but like I said just pretend I care about the RPG aspects(I don’t), being locked into a choice does matter in this case so really it comes down to which group is more important to blizzard.
Personally I don’t see how other people being able to switch would impact the RPG hard but others do so that’s where the real argument lies if you want to convince blizzard of which group deserves to have it designed around them.
Again, you think I’m defending something instead of making fun of the same five people who can’t understand that their demands will go unheard because Covenants are releasing as is.
Hey Turn, not sure but isn’t that a Red Herring? Is that on your power point?
Been playing for nearly 16 years and I have never seen anything remotely close to that yet.
Someone got a gun to your head?
If you guys want to make an actual comparison, explain why it would be a good idea for talents to be unchangable for an entire expansion, or Azerite traits, or Essences.
While it is kinda fun watching all the people I used to go back and forth with on PL vs ML until my brain exploded from being cherry picked to death now get a bitt of their own in return. This is serious. This is not the time to troll, we have to zap this sucker in the rear end.
Min Maxers are not the problem here ( yes they are annoying) they are sadly just reporting in the real problem. The real problem is being generated by some faulty Blizzard thinking. And it’s best we zap it before it goes live.
One day I hope we get back attunements because attunements are a rpg-elements and creates meaningful progression and this would be for the better of the game. To create meaningful progression we are also gonna go back to leveling taking 60+hours and pulling more than 1 mob will kill you.
Progression can only be meaningful if people can’t access content easily, I will not take any compromise. /s
Imagine thinking talents are anyway comparable to the covenant system and the skills tied to each one.