
Bring back #morallygrey

I want all the afflock DoTs, chain heal, Darkness, stealth, and death and decay.

Why are you arbitrarily gating me behind my choice of priest Blizzard?

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Again. Why do you think Covenants will change this?

If Legiondaries, if Azerite Traits, if Azerite Essences and if Corruptions couldn’t change it, why do you think Covenants stand a chance of doing it?

If they want to do multi-classing I’m all for it btw. It’s more a balance issue that they don’t do it btw.

Nothing says in the lore that you should be locked to one class per characters and there’s example of people multi-classing like Anduin.

And like always this is still far from covenants that are 2 buttons and passives. And that wow could be an rpg the same without them. And even less homogenized without them. Covenants are homogenization.

I never said it would, just drawing similarities to how unbelievably MOBA a RPG is.

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You should have a separate forum toon named Strawman to use when you post stuff like this.

So what you’re saying is that you’ll have 4 toons of each covenant.

So you’ll be doing the Most Effective Strategy Available.



Yea but to be fair all I really care about is collecting all the mounts and transmogs so that’s why I don’t care how covenants release.

Yeah but so what? The MDI enables that because it’s on tournament realms where you can create max level characters with any piece of gear you want without having to play any of the game. Nobody is asking for that when they say they want covenants to be different. That isn’t live servers. Live server keys are 100% NOTHING LIKE what happens in the MDI. So a tournament that happens on unofficial servers ~4 times a year is your reason for thinking the overall game is going to become Overwatch?


lmao, you didn’t know MDI was on tournament realms did you? that’s why you dodged this post?

And now you’ve devolved into intellectually dishonest arguments.

Let the man play his game, smh.

You should have a separate forum thread named

“Turnberry’s Misapplication of Logical Fallacies :clown_face:

Ok, these things just go on, and on, and on, and on. Yall can go through them if you want. Here is the link:

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Okay so you’re not a min-maxer so it doesn’t affect you. I mean, obviously if you don’t do M+ it doesn’t affect you.

…He came at me lol

It’s funny that after the hundreds of times you straw man, you still don’t even know what it is.

But you can play a warlock if you want…and then if you decide it’s not for you you can go back to your priest without losing anything on him. That’s what we’re asking for when it comes to covenants.

It’s typical that you’d assume to know anything about me :slight_smile:

The same way you assumed I was a min-maxer an hour ago?

Seems weird to defend a system that does nothing to change the thing you complain about though.

Ironic. He could save others from playing the meta but not himself.

You kept bringing up points that most of them do…so if it walks and quacks like a duck…

Or maybe, their points are valid to an audience that isn’t just them