
Reddit is one of the healthiest places to temper ideas and opinions. :rofl: :clown_face:

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Min Maxers are not the problem.

The Problem is Blizzard’s concept that some things have to be better then others. Blizzard built it, Min Maxers are just reporting it.

I don’t like to shoot the messenger.

Every single WoW discussion board or forum is posting those same posts almost in unison

and you’re here like “YEAH BUT IT’S ONLY MIN/MAX 1%ERS!!”

Absolute hilarity.

huh don’t lump me in with one side, I couldn’t care less how they release I’ll play and enjoy them either way. I just find it hilarious how many of these top end guys want wow to be overwatch.


This guy gets it. Why can’t you chuckle heads?

Because they could remove covenants completely and the game still would be nothing like overwatch?

Have you ever played Ov-- actually, you know what, nevermind. I know the answer.

Could it be that…they post both places?

Wow what a concept!

Yes, everyone that thinks differently than you must be alternate accounts on multiple forums and message boards of the same person. In fact, I am everyone in this entire thread other than you.

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Yeah, I can’t wait for the day when Blizzard pulls the ripcord and the game magically becomes a FPS.

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It’s starting already lol. This isn’t game breaking but it’s another layer of “filtering” on top of everything else.

Have you played Overwatch? Have you seen MDI?

Don’t worry I’m quite positive the next thing these babies will cry for is access to every skill in the game because something something gating skills like Covenants, it’s hilarious to see.


Do you genuinely believe the MDI which is specifically done on a TOURNAMENT REALM is anything close to what live servers are like?

There are how many MDI tournaments every year? 2? And you think the overall game is at all similar to that?

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Why would Covenants change this?

If anything, they’d reinforce if even harder since MDI is played on a tournament realm where you can essentially build a perfect character for every scenario.

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Nope. I just know its possible to post the same dreck across several platforms.

The funny thing is, by virtue of casuals being casuals and min-maxers being min-maxers, this will only affect the non min-max communities. They’re the ones that don’t have 4 toons of each Cov.


Possible, yes.

It’s also possible you’re trying to deflect like mad to avoid the realization that there are just a lot more people that dislike the current iteration of covenants. If there were more that did, there would be more support for them. Where is that support?

(I’ll give you a hint: most if that support is you 4 ITT)


Each has a rock-paper-scissors meta. Each are complete mirror ‘matches’. The only difference in Overwatch is that Player versus Player is more dynamic than scripted choreography of an AI dungeon.

Yeah it’s been stated multiple times that locked covenants absolutely hurt the casual to mid level player far more than a mythic raider. These people don’t care though, as long as it makes the game 1% worse for mythic raiders, they don’t care if it’s 30% worse for casuals.


I’m a filthy casual and I have 50 120 toons, keep generalizing that side though makes your argument all the more compelling I’m sure.