
His methodology is hilariously flawed. But if it helps you sleep at night.

No it’s not and I sleep great.

That’s not what your achievements say.

I’ll still never understand why people are so against a change that wont even affect them.

And the “RPG Element” argument just makes no sense altogether

which means I throw a big wrench in your idea that only raiders care about covenants, don’t it?

It’s not the we’re against it. It’s already being released as is, so snorting and roaring for it to be changed before hand is pretty moot. We’re just having fun poking the neckbeards.

Or that you simply have another account…

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Isn’t that the point of a beta. To give feedback beforehand so that they change it?



“mEanINgFUL CHoiCe”


Some people have envy/hate towards high end players for whatever reason. So any system or change that is perceived as bad for the high end community gets praised by people like the 3 in this thread.

I want to also add that if the change hurts the entire community they still see it as good because it also hurts the high end players.

Unlike your methodology here. Perfectly executed deflection/

There’s so many 1%ers out there. How big can 1% be?!?!?!

Beta’s should be meant for bugs and number tuning, not radically changing design concepts. That’s why Blizzard NEVER changed any of their systems before launch because the intention of the beta was basically bugs, numbers, and overall performance.

Mannn doooood this is such a bad design! I for one wish WoW was just like the clone wars and instead of building characters we just choose from preset toons like overwatch and then it comes down to whoever has better intern…I mean skill yes skill!

Yes and because Blizzard is always right Shadowlands will also be a resounding success like BFA was.

That is the point of alpha. Beta is largely feature complete iteration and bug fixing.

These people can’t post their opinions on Reddit because they would be downvoted to oblivion and kicked off the sub. They can only troll here because Blizz allows it for some reason.

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“But Reddit is an echo chamber”, they say while unironically posting on GD.

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the game has existed for how many years without covenants and it wasn’t once compared to overwatch until ion spoonfed you guys a buzz meme to use.

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Alleged Indy game designer (ala Bellular) tries to flex development decisions to an actual game designer.

Definitely going to listen to an Indy developer on what’s important.

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