It’s a lot less impressive when it’s the same group of people propping up the same post. Kind of like this one.
Look at them go!
there’s about 5 people always arguing the anti-ripcord stuff
meanwhile, we got thousands and thousands of unique posters supporting it.
…and millions more are ambivalent. How bold.
You’ve got five, maybe six of the same Mythic Raiders pretending to care about casuals while they’re super busy fondling numbers.
Seems like the majority agrees with them. If you go through all the posts there aren’t any posts listing why it would be good for the game to keep the covenants locked. Remember, these are people who have actually played with the system, not people like you guys who just want the game to be worse for a specific group of players.
Most of those people are progression players. Most streamers are progression players. These are not the majority of the player base.
I want to form my own opinions on the game without introducing bias into my opinion prematurely.
You can click on the profiles of the people posting. They are definitely not all mythic raiders. Lots of casual players are in the Beta.
and yet, despite being ambivalent, you still pretend you represent them with your opinions!
if so few specifically agree with your points, and so many more than that specifically agree with ours, and the rest could be seen as either 50-50 or indifferent,
you know that still means you are in the minority, right?
the RPG doesn’t make sense behind locking covenants, so the RPG players won’t be happy. the players that care about efficiency won’t be happy. the people that like to experiment won’t be happy. so regardless of
Correct, but a fewer amount than those that don’t. And the ambivalent majority will have their gameplay negatively affected should the game reward the few you do represent… which I don’t imagine is something they’ll be too happy about regardless of their opinions on the covenants specifically.
Nope, just to make sure that the records shows there are people who like the system as is.
All 10 of you.
It really doesn’t matter what you think. Or what I think. Popularity isn’t a metric anyone is going to heavily base game design choices on. What matters is what is in the best interest of the game as a whole.
which is not something Blizzard has gotten right at the start of an expansion in the last 4 expansions, hence all the changes after a patch. Adorable you think they got it right this time, though.
We already know there is a very small group of you guys who like any change that makes the game less enjoyable for high end players. Envy is a real thing, even in a video game.
From your perspective. Which is narrow to say the least.
Actually, i’m actively saying they got it wrong in the last few, and this is a course correction that’s overdue.
Not making a measured choice based on the Alts posting. That’s impossible to determine.
Most Beta invites are for progression players, with a few free beta keys to giveaway for some faceless few, but the majority are progression players.
I wouldn’t make sense for Blizzard to have a Beta in the first place.
Oh man, you sure don’t want to discuss anything. It’s like you just want to stifle all dissenting opinions and then have a circlejerky sit in with your two buddies on the forums while you protest that you don’t think our perspectives mean anything!
Wait a minute,
You can see if an alt has cleared the raid on their main.
It’s not that I don’t want to discuss it. It’s just you don’t have the capability to discuss it on any level that would be meaningful.
The idea that covenants will only impact the “1%” is mostly nonsense.