yeah this.
You can keep reading you know…
This is a flat out lie. Its so odd the anti choice people have to lie to try and make a point. Odd indeed.
I tend not to give too much weight to people trying to speak for the majority when your entire premise is built on a lie.
And you and your’s do the same thing. Humans are pretty susceptible to bias.
Anti-choice would be Blizzard arbitrarily placing you into a Covenant for the duration of the expansion.
How will our logs be worse when we will just pick the best covenant anyways?
It’s like staring into the mirror…
Dear lord, it’s the lethal/zulumar/sonechka combo.
Is Ralph about to pop in next?
Hey guys the Network Engineer is experiencing buffer overflow.
Oh dang, I’m a thing now. I didn’t realize it was a thing.
And it’s the same level 81 alt that will never post on his main, by whatever impulse, and constantly achievement shame and tell everyone what they should be doing at any given time.
Lets look at the Beta forums to see if this is true. Well the thread listing the problems of locked covenants has almost 4000 likes, the most upvoted post ever in these new forums. There are currently 0 threads on the Beta forums saying they like the covenants/conduits being locked. These are only open to people who have access to beta, so you know, people who have actually played with the system.
Does not speak for millions, K thanks bye.
This just in, forum man doesn’t know how sample size works.
And most of those were Russians from a Russian Discord Server merely copy/pasting the same thread on all the Forum Portals.
Players have no idea what is good for the game. Yes this is unpopular. Yes, people are upset.
It’s a course correction. They are ripping a band-aid off.
It’s gonna hurt.
And it’s also good for the long term health of the game.
You just can’t see it, because you have no perspective outside of your own player based one.
Depends on which one but this is just a fact. All things equal between two Rogues, a Maldraxxus Rogue will outdps any other Rogue, period. That’s just not up for debate.
Most of the high end people have already done this, multiple characters of the same class to prep for the inevitable buff/nerf waves.
It might be a minority that believes it now, but the majority will feel it once it goes live.
Pretty sure it’s not niche to do as much DPS as you can within a DPS role.
Russians play WoW too. What is the issue?
This just in, self-proclaimed statistician Turnberry, doesn’t about what CL and MoE.