
LOL. Nothing will ever grow in this forum again with all this salt.

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You are one of the cringiest posters I’ve ever read.


Thanks your non-contribution to a serious discussion :slight_smile:

But you have read him


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I’m sorry but as a network engineer, after reading you say this:

it is impossible to call anything you say “serious discussion.” That is one of the worst analogies I’ve read in a long, long, LONG time.

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I just want to say that you have enchanted your gear with your best stat. You have the best enchant on your weapon. Your talents are exactly the same as the guides recommend, same with the majority of your Azerite traits, and you have your best essences equipped.

Looks like Zuldumar is a min-maxer!


They have never wanted to discuss anything. They want to stifle all dissenting opinions and then have a little circlejerky sit-in on the forums to protest what they see as unfair.

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Everyone doing it more than him is a tryhard obviously.

You got me.

claims to be a network engineer

forgets that packets don’t all take the same path

I didn’t comment on packets. I commented on your analogy being horrible. Because it is.


It’s bad because…? You say so? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I’m about 99.9% sure I’ve literally seen you say you’re only arguing all this stuff as a “pet project” before Shadowlands comes out. Most of us are actually concerned about the game we play, not just our egos on the forums unlike you.

Not to mention, our “side” has listed infinitely more points than people like you. Your arguments always boil down to “because we want you to suffer,” you just find different ways of saying it. There have been thousands and thousands of quality feedback posts regarding these issues, but you don’t care about them at all. You just care about singling out the odd post that replies similarly to how you post so you can ironically point at it and say “SEE THEY DON’T WANNA DISCUSS IT!!”


No, not infinite, and definitely not a point. People just say their parse and logs will suffer.

That’s not a good reason at all.

No, that’s just what you choose to seethe over when you see it. There have been far more reasons than just that.

You see the term “DPS” and start foaming at the mouth.


Lot of support for your thread here, btw

lmao. Your “side” is really killin it!

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I’ve read every post on this thread, so you’re wrong Mr. Network Engineer.

The general feeling is that locked Covenants will cause people to have worse logs and parses if they just stick with one. The other is, if they don’t want to stick with just one on one toon, they will create 3 others to explore with the Covenants.

That’s what a very small portion of the community will feel/do. That’s not what the majority of players feel. It’s definitely not a reason to change the functionality of a major system just because a vocal minority is unhappy with how it effects their niche play-style.

That is one feeling people have, yes.

it is not the only feeling people have.

