
Because else he would have to assume he’s the bad guy. xd
If anything for dks covenants homogenize, with more movement abilities.
For paladins, they get a shadow ability.

The 4 covenants signatures abilities homogenize the classes since everyone gets the same/can get the same no matter your class same as soulbinds.

I can can constantly change the environment of which you base your min-max on.

And people can predict those changes, there’s no true rng with computers systems.
Thorgast is the proof, it’s basicly rng but after a couple runs you understand how it works, it’s always the same concepts. It becomes predictable.

Oh I forgot, it’s even simpler than that.

Blizzard could stop sharing their API and break all addons. They could also claim intellectual property over any site that recreates the game in any fashion - this would mean simming.

Now it’s definitely broken :slight_smile:

And this would accomplish…?

And people would reverse engeener like I said before.
This is what happens in FF14.
You can’t claim intellectual property on stuff like that, they can’t even claim intellectual property on rmts/cheat websites.

Again, IP lawsuit :slight_smile:

They won’t win, like I’ve added. Those kind of websites are legal.

If I make a game that looks like WoW on paper and call it Mario Simulator, it’s still WoW no matter what you call it.

Getting rid of the min-max parasites.

A sim that reverse engeener is not remaking the game.
It’s only numbers, you’d have a hard time saying it’s illegal for people to use numbers that exist in your game.

And getting rid of the players who engage with the game this most will accomplish what exactly?

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“Hey community! I’m Zoumz, I reverse engineer iPhones and sell them as Z-Phones. Apple can’t come after me cause I did all the work myself :slight_smile: .”

You don’t engage with the game the most, you engage with the game on a low-level.


A lot of current employees at BlizZard did a lot of deep dives at how the game was constructed. Kind of hypocritical to chase away the theory craft community when that is where they come from.

:100: :pray:

I didn’t say I engage with the game the most, min-maxers do. What are you talking about

Disingenuous again, the example doesn’t apply as always
It would be like sharing liboffice code when microsoft word exist.
Both do about the same thing, but word can’t say anything about liboffice as it’s not using its code it’s just doing the same thing.

And in this case for sims, it’s really far because sims are not playable. You can’t do anything with a sims other than play the real game.

Oh you’re not a min-maxer? Great welcome to #LeaveItIn

Man imagine being so conceited that after you make a wrong assumption about someone, you immediately proceed to tell them what they think.

But the min-maxers are the toxic ones


sHiFtInG gOaLpOsTs