Covid may probably never go away . It is a disease caused by the same family of viruses that cause the common cold.
If we don’t start trying to get back to some form of normal we might never .
I know for a fact that even a mild case of covid isn’t fun and will knock you on your rear. Thing is most people survive it. I live with family and my 72 y.o father with asthma and type 2 diabetes was worried that my mon’s and my going out would bring it back and kill him . Well mom brought it back he then got it and they gave it to me for my last birthday.
Mom and dad got better before I did.
Back to the topic
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Here is the issue Blizzard says “balance” and then at the same time they say quotes like “there has to be a wrong choice”. That contradicts the idea of “balance” so I really do not think “balance” means what they think it means.
All skills should have a fair general use and a perfect situational use. They should each preform at the same levels in their specific targeted situation. But currently this is not the case. It’s because Blizzards very concept of “balance” is corrupted.
Okay, but isn’t the concept of natural selection and entropy literally antithetical to the concept of balance?
“Hi I’m Waidmann. Instead of responding intelligently, I go to YouTube and pick out an overly-used meme. I don’t know what entropy or natural selection is, so I resort to my favorite confirmation bias outlet: YouTube!”
Fairly certian that was in reply to the Balance post right above the clip
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It’s not just about the numbers though. For me it’s about feeling bad about a decision. One covenant has the power I want but the look I hate. Now I’m not enjoying my time as much as I could be. I have no idea why they would do this.
So matter and energy are destroyed?
It was nice because he was backing up what I said with something fun.
BTW: I’m still your forum rival, would you like to take this moment to register me?
How did we even get here?
I’m saying that the concept of entropy and natural selection are impossible in an environment where Blizzard controls what is created and what is destroyed in a given system (which they do in the name of balance)
So I guess, to answer your question, in WoW, yeah, matter and energy are literally destroyed by Blizzard
In that case, you’re advocating:
- Damage classes deal the same amount of damage or achieve the same DPS in the same amount of time, using the same number of skills.
- Healers have the same throughput in the same amount of time, using the same number of skills
- Tanks all have the same level of active mitigation on the same CD; have the same number of mitigation CDs with the same duration, mitigation level, and CD timer; deal the same damage using the same number of skills.
So you’re not actually advocating for balance, you’re advocating for homogenization.
Just get rid of covenant abilities all together. Let classes remain their own selfs.
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Humanity presents
World of Wacraft: Insipidlands
NO. For melee dps. The skill that focus on Cleave damage should be just as benifical as the skill that focus’s on direct damage. In the case of Rogue damage, 1 direct damage skill has a higher value in all situations of play.
Also on a un-related side note: I would take a dps punch down for a faster kick refresh skill. Because interrupts are a skill worth focusing in on and that would make me just as valuable to my raid team as more dps would.
Exactly because the best solution is the most obvious one.

Do you even read?
Also it’s not focus’s, it’s just focus.
I can’t partake in the survey - it’s meaningless to me.
I haven’t tried the changes myself. Nothingburger.