
It must not exist then.

My god we’ve all been afraid for nothing.

Wouldn’t expect you to. Its just a way to have fun.

Just want to thank you for being able to do your own research and being honest enough to change your mind.

off topic. Take it somewhere else.


Blizzard just do it.

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I am finally posting a lengthy topic about this and I wanna have a real discussion with the anti ripcord people here (though reading some previous posts i feel like this will be pointless, but lets give it a go). I have been more or less a bystander in this ripcord / anti ripcord debate. I have posted my opinion afew times so people know which stance i take (pro ripcord pull in case you didn’t) but more or less I stay quiet and just listen to the back and forth. Now I wanna basically come into this and spew my opinion on the matter (note i said MY opinion. I don’t speak for others).

I HATE this covenant design. Why? because it is forcing me to pick between being decent in most situations vs picking a covenant based on design, transmog, look of the area, etc. I love venthir for my mage for example but i feel like if I don’t go necrolord i will be a burden to my raid team and I refuse to be that. No its not because I’m a mythic raider and therefore I’m some elitist tryhard. I did this when I raided in my guild prior that was a heroic only guild. I have many friends who are in normal only guilds who do this also (they look for whats good on icy veins or class discords and basically copy it). Its a very common practice done by many people who want to make sure they don’t ruin their guild’s experience.

And this is what I honestly don’t understand. You anti ripcord pullers think that someone cant look up the most optimal build on a website or discord and that they will have to learn to be sub-optimal (if you honestly think that you are living in some helluva fantasy land and it ain’t WoW). There will probably be a covenant that works for about 75% of the content and people will probably gravitate towards that so if you think this somehow stops min-maxing i don’t understand how you can believe that. Most pro ripcord arguments can be chalked down to wanting the freedom to play around with different abilities, wanting to be able to pick the covenant that is pleasing to the player (my reasoning), or just being able to switch to a covenant ability that works better for them if they switched specs. I understand that some also just want to be optimal in every content but if player power was decoupled from covenants why would that matter? How would that adversely affect YOUR gaming experience?

Another argument I see alot from anti ripcorders is by removing player power you remove the meaningful choice of this RPG. Lets clarify one thing. MMORPG =/= RPG. I played RPGs like fallout 3,4, sykrim, etc. I Have made decisions in that game that vastly change how the game will play out and it can work that way because it only affects my story. I mean the big hint should be the pro Sylvanas people who basically did the same thing anti Sylvanas people were doing except reporting to Nathanos first? Then it ended the same way too where she poofs out and you are part of this new horde. You know why? because an MMORPG cant split its playerbase like that more than it already has with Alliance/Horde. As an Alliance main I can’t be the only one who wanted to invade every other horde city after SoO. In the lore it even said the horde were on the ropes and if we wanted to we could’ve conquered all of them. We didn’t tho. You know why? No it’s not because all Alliance are the kind gentle souls (I sure as hell am not). It’s because an MMORPG cant allow 50% of the playerbase to conquer and rule over the other 50%. So lets compare the arguments on this front with responses from pro ripcord pullers. To my knowledge (and any of the pro ripcorders can correct me if I am wrong) I am sure nobody wants to just change covenants around willy nilly. They just want to use all the abilities that are being added to said covenants and decouple them from the covenant itself. I for one would love to be venthir because it fits a theme that is pleasing to me but have the necrolord ability. I would not mind making the meaningful choice of sticking with venthir for the 2 years this expansion will be relevant just as I’m sure, if the powers were decoupled from the covenants, others would probably say the same.

To end here I just don’t understand the arguments I have seen across these threads from the anti ripcorders made from the usual suspects that gives an honest reason as to why the player power can’t be decoupled from the covenants. I really am waiting to see a stronger arguments than.

Cause screw min-maxers.
Meaningful choice.
I hate meta slaves.

These are not good arguments. These just make you sound either petty or ignorant.


Very good summary.

Thanks. This is basically after weeks of seeing the back and forth on this topic from both ends. I wanted to make sure I can give a detailed response. Now I’m off to bed. It’s 4:20 in the morning here lol.

I like this theory and I think the story may end up showing us this was the case and BlizZard was too lazy to change the story but only the game play aspects. :+1:

I wanted to go Venthyr too but Venthyr for Rogues ssssuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkssssssss.

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That’s all the anti-Ripcord movement is: people trying to stick it to the “tryhards” and “elitists.”

They think that locking us into a Covenant is somehow going to get them invited to key runs or pug groups when the “meta” will still exist because that’s the mentality the players bring to the game.

All locking covenants does is ensure that those who choose, as you say, the best covenant for their raid team may suck at other content or that people will feel forced into a covenant they don’t really want to play … which will take away from the enjoyment of the new expansion.

BfA was already an expansion where these punitive systems were in-place and look how well BfA was received. If they move forward with locked Covenants in SL, all they’re going to do is lose MORE subs because people are tired of this “meaningful choice” crap that Ion holds onto with an iron first.


I wanna stick it to the try hard’s and elitists too! However I can find other ways to screw with their minds. It’s so easy…just say random numbers at em. I don’t need to punish everyone by promoting a junkie system. This system is junk! Blizzard should not have a say in your style choices at all. When it comes to your personal choice in style every answer is correct for you.

The class dps abilities should be seperated off the covenants. But at the VERY least the skills need to be balanced with a 5% margin rather then a 30% margin.

This is seriously OT.

However, No one has the Virus “Under control” even New Zealand who locked down the hardest, and thought they beat it, are seeing a resurgence of cases.

There is no beating a virus, its not going away. Thinking we will stop the virus, is the real sign of a fool. In all history we have stopped 1, Small Pox, and that could of had nothing to do with us.

How someone can scream “You don’t listen to science” while making claims that go against science, is what is wrong with our country.

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“Hi! I’m Loryss. I want to play at a high-level, but only if I get a hand out.” :slight_smile:

Fixed that for ya.

To be honest I’m fine with that.

I just want the class abilities separated maybe as a choose your reward type thing that can be used with your preferred covenants soul binds . I want to be able to try different builds to see what would be fun but I do want to remain loyal to my chosen Covenant.

I honestly don’t care about the meta because I am not a high end content player but I do like to see how far I can press my toon.

Leave the soul binds with the covenants and make them work with all the class abilities covenant abilities.

Yes it is called the ripcord NOW PULL IT


The difference between soul binds alone is all staggering…there is no way they can balance this all.

Balance through chaos and parity while managing outliers doesn’t work in practice because that is what they are going for in theory. :100:

Maybe they were reheating homemade lasagna leftovers from the night before? Derp.


You’ve just described entropy and natural selection…but okay.