It’s basically “well, we get screwed over, but they also get screwed over”. Supporting covenants because you’re upset with how Blizzard have handled PvP gearing is the definition of cutting off the nose to spite the face.
People like you are why the USA is a laughing stock, why the USA is now the world’s hotbed of the pandemic, why we’re still dealing with the virus when other countries have gotten it under control, and why people who genuinely are high risk are still unable to leave. Because “muh freedumbs” take precedent over ending this damn pandemic and saving lives.
It’d be fine if you could choose to die whenever you feel like, but you are ruining it for other people who aren’t making that choice.
I am actually going to change my stance on this one I personally was expecting some flavour differences between covenants like necrolord flavoured WQs and dailies but from what I can see looking everywhere is my dailies are the same as everyone else’s
Meaning covenants are limited to
Weekly event
And weekly events and transmog just aren’t enough to make it a role playing choice. If I am still helping all covenants then I agree you should be able to use their powers.
I think this will be my last reply specifically to this as its way off topic. If you want we could start another thread and carry on the discussion there.
Its not and unless you are in a major US city you have probably never even met someone who has contracted the carona.
Because the gov gave hospitals money for each patent that died of corona the initial first months of statistics were grossly inflated by roughly 20%. Furthermore if you look at current statistics we have far fewer cases then many countries as well as fewer deaths. Despite most people not wearing a mask even if ordered to.
We are able to leave and in fact many have done so since the beginning of this mass hysteria. Again the individual makes the choice to be afraid of a maybe and of going about their day, based on their own values.
If they choose to remain hidden from the world then I would suggest they remain hidden because there are a great many other things that might kill them. Although as the last month has shown even this may not save you as a meteor could strike the Earth at any time.
There are Americans who think that 10% of the country has died to carona, despite not knowing a single person who has contracted it. The media makes a ton of money by selling fear, the hospitals make money by declaring inflated numbers, Politicians get more power by inflating the numbers and selling fear. Do you see how all of this plays into trying to make you afraid? We now have two separate ways to help those who are high risk that catch carona. Its time to stop screwing the economy and start getting back to normal.
But it was their choice to leave the house the same as it was my choice. If they are so worried they can
Not leave the house.
Stay the heck away from me.
See how easy that is.
But congratulations on arguing that someone who can’t wear a mask without risking their safety should in fact do so. I have passed out because I was required to wear a mask and in my job passing out can mean being sucked into a machine.