I’m pretty sure BRH single handedly ruined niche abilities like control demon/undead.
Most people survive it
Been there got it got the t-shirt as well as my 70+ asthmatic type 2 diabetic dad who gave it to me.
Sitting in a bunker , here behind wow’s wall
Waiting for the ripcord the ripcord to pull
News flash it’s a video game . It’s all fluff
Don’t worry guys the same company that let Glimmer of Light dominate three tiers is gonna do things right this time with balancing.
Trust them!!!
You don’t want to compromise.
People have come up with rewarding loyalty or earning the abilities from all the covenants for their specific class and using them with chosen covenant for rp .
What have you offered towards compromise ? Where are you ideas towards a happy solution for all parties ?
We’ve taken the step forward walking all the way over to you is not halfway . You need to make some actual steps towards compromise yourself.
From the people who brought you “Resto Druids are the best M+ healers for half a decade” comes “Covenants are meaningful choices!”
Oh oh oh, Is that the same company that brought us echoing void nerfed by 50% and thunderous blast nerfed by 65% on live? Can’t wait to see what zany spinoff series they’re going to release next!
I actually do, and have already, you just refuse to see it.
You just want to demonize “the others”, not hearing them at all, trying to make them look bad. After all they are not even human, right? It’s a tried and true tactic for fascists.
Enjoy your covenants.
At this point it’s almost a meme.
“Covenant locks make sense in the story”
“No they don’t”.
“Well I didn’t know that, I don’t have beta”.
Covenants being opened is fascist and also 1984 the novel.
Everyone knows that when a company changes their minds due to consumer demand, that’s facism, and the more they listen to consumers the more fascist it is.
I may have missed it and mixed you up with Zuldumar .
I just saw priest and a bunch of his posts fly bye.
I would like to hear your compromise .
Easy. Folks are allowed to switch between covenants, but loyalists to one covenant get special perks, like a stronger covenant ability, access to more quests/rewards, and maybe an exclusive wing in the covenant hall.
People get to switch as they like, loyalists to one are justified in their choice, everybody wins.
Covenants being open seems to be extremely diverse. It is all those things and also Overwatch with raids.
The story excuse is a really annoying one. Who the hell are these Covenants to deny the Hero of Azeroth help? They’re a god slaying savior of the universe and were able to leisurely walk out of the oh so scary maw that everyone in the Shadowlands is afraid of. They should feel honored to help out.
That’s a terrible comparison.
How about something like where the longer you stay with a covenant you get cosmetic rewards. Imagine for Kyrian you get a small pair of wings and every month or renown level you grow your wings get bigger and bigger.
I got an even BETTER solution
Untie powers from covenants then reward people who are loyal to a covenant. There will be way more covenant pride if skills were uncoupled.
If there were no powers associated with it, I would feel very passionate about my choice. As it stands I’m going to pick the strongest and they are going to feel like ends justifies the means. I won’t enjoy being in the covenant at all.
…hey. I feel attacked. Also, I pay for it by being not great in raid. To be honest, not sure how that’s possible since covenants are meant to be introducing strengths and weaknesses to the game.
Would be cool if your loyalty perks for the Necrolords were new Abomination parts.
Oh that would be so sick, imagine instead of a cloak you have an arm growing out of you or something. Every month/renown level it you get more random limbs and stuff.