My dude, going on the premise that 2 of them are dead choices, that leaves a choice of 2, or a 50/50. Or…if you just choose blindly, it’s a 50/50 chance you land on a decent covenant.
Just throwing it out there, we were going off the premise that 2 were dead options.
When you pick an archetype like warlock going for the flower options isn’t something I would expect most people to do.
Why willingly gimp yourself?
Players have been shown to pick the ability that does more damage over the one that looks cool, because they fight will be over quicker.
There’s four, but any warlock that picks the wrong two won’t be able to compete, ahahaha.
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Or if there were four Covenants and he had to just pick one, regardless of what the number fondler tells him to pick.
I don’t think you understand. If you are Destro, and you pick Night Fae, it’s a DPS loss to use Soul Rot.
Compete in what? This is an RPG. Not Overwatch.
A Night Fae Warlock reminds me of the old hedge witches of folklore. It can make sense. You can justify any combo really.
Heck there’s a Necrolord paladin (Alexandros Mograine).
I’m just saying that’s not common. For cosmetics only reason, not much dks would pick night fae.
It’s funny because everything you say seems to confirm that we don’t need these abilities tied to the covenants. It seems like there is more than enough lore/story and visual cosmetics to make these meaningful choices without tying player power to them.
Anything that isn’t auto-invite to a group.
Not that it’s something you’d understand.
(You think all competitiveness = Esports, and not a desire to imitate what works at the top level, for that class)
Nobody cares about your number fondling, bruh. Go post your logs with the other number fondlers.
You don’t care, but the majority of us do.
Imagine thinking anyone who wants to pull their weight is a meta slave.
Get carried.
Well I main demo, so I’m not really sure where that will fit. But anyhow…
Wither away all life force of your current target and up to 3 additional targets nearby, causing them to suffer (100% of Spell power) Nature damage over 8 sec. For the next 8 sec, casting Drain Life will cause you to also Drain Life from any enemy affected by your Soul Rot, and Drain Life will not consume any mana. Consumes 20% of maximum health when cast.
That looks like it’s going to be a lot of fun in PvP, or in tough fights where I’m taking a lot of damage and my healer is struggling in general.
I would manage.
Here is how good 3 covenant abilities are for Demo Locks, according to Impakt, a Warlock in BDGG:
Least Useful: Kyrian, Night Fae, and Necrolord are all miserable as Demonology. Kyrian technically is your strongest single target spec, but just feels awful to use. Why would I want to keep an arcane DoT up as Demonology that does 6% of my damage, and does not interact with my spec at all? It’s boring. Night Fae is just as useless as it is for Destruction (If you are Night Fae, Soul Rot isn’t even worth using because of how poor the damage is.), and Necrolord only buffs Shadowbolt, which is just an incredibly weak spell. Decimating Bolt really needs to buff Demonbolt instead.
Looks like Demo Locks have a really meaningful choice ahead!
Well I foresee this discussion for a while to be kinda useless, you guys have fun. I’ll come back if you get back on line.
Choosing to play a Rogue is the ultimate min/max meta. Our second class icon is a spreadsheet lol. 
Actually, they nerfed Kyrian for MW about three weeks ago. By 97%. They target capped the aoe healing pulse to 6 targets and scaled it down from 240% spellpower to 30% spellpower.
It now does less healing than a soulbind trait from the necrolords, and it’s an actual class covenant ability. What a joke. This is why I have no faith in Blizzard, people!
In other news, all of monk’s covenant abilities are buggy or broken anyways, so testing doesn’t mean anything and we really need bug fixes.
Literally why does Night Fae covenant even exist for any Shaman spec.
To be honest, I think Blizzard actually plants horribly wrong choices so other people can pick them out. How else do you explain SnD for Outlaw?
I feel like they have this weird idea that if somebody makes a huge mistake that’ll affect their gameplay for weeks or even months they’ll manage to squeeze another month out of them instead of them just leaving.
Honestly don’t under stand the logic behind noob traps at all. Or super niche abilities. Most of them are never powerful enough to begin with. I mean look at things like enslave demon and undead. They’re cool and all but the thing you take control of always gets a super hard nerf so that it’s basically useless if you already use a pet like Unholy or any of the Warlock specs.