Undead katamari damacy. Keep adding limbs until you’re a world sized ball of rotting undeath.
I would also accept Covenant wargames.
No more horde vs alliance. Weekly rounds of Covenant vs Covenant BGS.
At the end of the week show how many (other covenants) the covenant killed.
Speak to the Kyrian Battlemaster
The Necrolords attack our lands, fight them back and show them whos boss>QUEUE FOR BG
That’d be really cool. 4 way Arathi basin sounds killer.
It’s so sad covenants feel like a missed opportunity.
They are going to feel like talents with baggage for most people.
Or a conquest map. Every activity completed by a person within each covenant contributes a small amount of points, and whichever covenant has the most points at the end of the week gets some minor reward.
Kinda like what For Honor had.
True, and as long as they tie powers to Covenants they can’t even do these sorts of things because people will complain when other Covenants strengths are so blatantly obvious in competitions like these.
Winner at the end of the week gets a 10% Exp bonus or something, can’t win two weeks in a row.
Imagine the posts on reddit
Nah, nah. Renown bonus, since its capped weekly, they just get chores done faster. 25% more for the week, or something.
Edit: It might be anima with the weekly cap…whichever, though.
This is what I want to see, punishing players with the power just restricts gameplay and feels bad, just give rewards for sticking with a covenant and seperate the power out, i’m sure plenty of people will level alts specifically to stick with a covenant to get them similar to mage tower.
That’s not a compromise.
I want player power with covenants. You want no player power with covenants.
A real compromise is just a little bit of player power with covenants.
So i want to pick for story/lore/theme reasons and you want to pick for power.
Why is your opinion more important than mine?
I want you to give me a billion dollars. You want to give me zero dollars. The reasonable compromise between those two is not the halfway point, i.e., you giving me five hundred million dollars.
You know I have been a major oull the ripcord advocate.
However today J had a realization that makes me okay with this system.
Due to the current lackluster opinion of Blizzard due to some of the dev team, deciding that PVE should give advantage in PVP.
I realized that this system is a bandaid fix for a larger design issue, namely the one above. PVP players will have the advantage in PVP thanks to Covenants. You will now need to make a meaningful choice of a content path you want to implore and take a loss on others.
It still sucks that the cosmetic is tied with the power. However, having to chose a content type to excel at is not that horrible actually. It use to be that way, and the design to change that like the removal of sets has been negative in my mind.
Just a devils advocate response, as I am seeing some pros to the system.
But PvE gear will still be the best in PvP, and having a PvP covenant will make it infinitely more difficult to get that gear. It’s kind of a no win situation.
This bandaid fix is crap. PvP gear should have more strength in PvP, Blizzard knows this and just…refuses to do it.
That was just 1 example.
The same applies to M+ Vs raiding.
However it won’t really be that much harder. Will it be harder yes, will it be impossible no. There will still be groups that are ran by PVP players, and will accept you in your PVP covenant.
The Covenants are going to screw pvpers even harder than PVErs. Blizz is already too scared to allow the Kyrian ability to be used in arenas.
Maybe? That is certainly a possibility. But, if it were me and I knew my covenant were weaker in the situation I’m going into, I wouldn’t go out of my way to grab more people with weak or useless covenants, I’d probably try to grab people with strong covenants just flat out, to increase my chance of success.
Literally why does anything besides Night Fae and in niche cases venth exist for dks. It’s almost like these started as talent trees and then someone got the bright idea to use them to coax more time played out of players.
Not really.
In the aspect of the multi facet player, slightly.
In the facet of home turf no.
Night fae has straight up ignore CC conduits. And abilities. That will be a massive power gap in the PVP scene.
At this moment and for the last few expansions, high tier raiders have had a massive advantage over straight PVPers, this will lessen that considerably.
Abomb limb would be a great CC tier talent.