Would kinda be the same if they gave you abilities but not the soulbinds no? Just no timegate.
No I would be better. xd This game as achievements, tmogs, titles, etc to show your difference.
Would kinda be the same if they gave you abilities but not the soulbinds no? Just no timegate.
No I would be better. xd This game as achievements, tmogs, titles, etc to show your difference.
Thanks for telling me what I want, here…I just thought I wanted to experiment with different builds in M+, Torghast and heroic raiding. Your insight is a real burden off my shoulders.
Also, you want to tunnel through the center of the world to China, so get digging.
You want to play at a hyper-performance level, so play at hyper-performance level.
Why should I care how you want to play the game?
Again, ask Yesuna…your own teammate, how this would land. I’ve suggested this before and got berated for it, by your team. Cool try though, bro.
Would it be fair if I judged you based off of things Tim has said? After all he’s on your team too.
Because if they don’t get their way then how can they keep telling us to not tell them how to play?
You know, hypocrisy!
“Hey God it’s Froom. I really want to climb Mount Everest, but this gravity is really killing me. Can you lower the acceleration due to gravity coefficient so I can have easier time doing what I want to do? Your pal, Froom.”
Oh no, well that means Kyrian and Night Fae are dead covenants for you. That leaves your “meaningful choice” down to a 50/50.
I mean, once again…your own teammate has -just- done this with his inane Mount Everest reference. Timba and I have wildly different goals in the game, but one size fits all as long as it suits your side, I guess.
Soooooper cool story my dude. You should become a creative writer, you’re great at it.
There’s four Covenants by the way.
Kyrian and Night fae = 2. 2/4 is 50 50 dawg.
Sir this is Burger King.
There’s four Covenants by the way.
Not for Warlocks LMAO.
Oh no, well that means Kyrian and Night Fae are dead covenants for you.
I’ll pick Night Fae if I want. I love their ability graphic and their aesthetic.
Though tbh Venthyr is also appealing from an aesthetic standpoint (Gargoyles!) so I am considering them as well. But that’s what my choice is going to be based on.
Kyrian and Night fae= 2. 2/4 is 50 50 dawg.
Well no, she said Kyrian and Nightfae were dead, so that would mean there’s only 2.
So choosing between 2 is a 50/50, are you actually serious right now?
But there’s four Covenants.
I’ll pick Night Fae if I want. I love their ability graphic and their aesthetic.
I can guarantee you that if you pick Night Fae as a Warlock you will be different than 99% of the other warlocks, even if covenants are freely swappable.
I can guarantee you that if you pick Night Fae as a Warlock you will be different than 99% of the other warlocks, even if covenants are freely swappable.
I’m fairly certain we’re not all a hivemind and that everyone’s going to pick for different reasons.