You think too highly of yourself.
Um, okay?
Not sure how that has anything to do with what you quoted but thanks for the bump i guess.
Thanks for supporting #PullTheRipcord by keeping it at the top.
Right now as a rogue we have only 1 choice, Maldraxxus…the rest don’t even scale up near it. One is a copy paste of a skill we already have, one bugs out and vanish’s us in solo combat and the other is impossible to target the combo points.
I just want them to be balanced to the point where they at least all work!
This is a punitive choice where I’m getting punished for not choosing to allign with the whims of my blizzard overlords.
Way I see it, covenants go one of two ways. Either every single ability is gutted to boring garbage to make them balanced, or they unlock covenants while the abilities still retain some flavor to allow players to swap based on spec or encounter. If we ‘wait and see’ it’s probably gonna be too late for the abilities. Stop trying to kill covenants.
But if they all suck then why would you want them all unlocked?
My lord is this a bad take or what.
My lord Timba with another “bad take” post.
I want them unlocked BEFORE they suck. That’s the point. Try re-reading my post please.
From what you and others have posted so far, they all suck right now.
I have faith that Blizzard can make them worse.
Most specs have at least 1 good option. The problem is, sometimes that 1 good option for your main spec is absolutely useless for your offspecs. As in it’s sometimes even a DPS loss to press the global.
Basically the covenant system is good for people who only play 1 class, 1 spec and only do 1 form of endgame content, like our game director.
That’s a bad thing?
…yes? Of course it is.
Seems contradictory to their vision.
How is playing one class, one spec, and doing one form of endgame content bad?
Look at you go big guy. The statement was “Designing the game for people who play one spec, one class, and in one form of content is bad.” Where did the goalposts go again?
Designing the game to be for one class, one spec, one form of content is bad because it’s restrictive and unfun. Players who would like to do more than one form of content are limited and frustrated and will more likely quit than bother with playing around the systems. The 1% elitist tryhards will, of course, play around the systems. The average player won’t.
Please use this link to read the feedback on how some skills are vastly superior in what was meant to be only a 2-5% difference.
I get you’re trying to change minds my dude, but I think that one is beyond reason. He’ll read whatever he wants out of your statements and drag you into a mud wrestle of logical fallacies. I appreciate your optimism though.
Again, this is all your opinion based on how you play the game. Just like when I say it’s fun, it’s because I like the design because it’s how I play the game.
Again there is no quantifiable way to validate your opinion.