
Does not equal:

That’s not a difference of opinions bro, that’s you moving goalposts to suit yourself. You’re trying to make me look like a villain because I’m standing against a player who wants to play a single class and spec in a single form of content. To be clear, I’m not…but you also need to understand that if the system were unlocked, their gameplay would not be affected a single iota.

But, thanks for coming out.

Moving goalposts means no answer is acceptable to you. There is an acceptable answer for me.

Asking how is someone’s preferred playstyle bad for the game will only result in an opinion, not an answer based in fact and pattern.

You can cry “goalposts” all you want, you just don’t like to have your feet held to the fire when it comes to details.

There is a way to make the game fun for the people who only play 1 class, 1 spec, and 1 form of content and also make the game fun for people who play multiple classes, multiple specs and who do multiple forms of endgame content. You just have to #pulltheripcord.


It’s like talking to a wall, dawg. You use logical fallacies because your own arguments are as leaky as a colander, then when you get called on it you scream ‘opinions’ like it’s some sort of defense.

What’s your next argument, unlocked covenants will turn WoW into Overwatch with raids? Or is it gonna be “HEY LOOK, THESE IDIOTS WANT COVENANTS UNLOCKED, I BET THEY WANT CLASSES UNLOCKED TOO HAHA IDIOTS.” I’ve seen it all out of you, it’s pretty desperate, to be honest.

But, please…keep posting at me to keep this thread front and center.


You know who you sound like? You sound college student who just had their first taste of a communications class and you got all excited about throwing out logical fallacy buzzwords, but rarely learned how they’re used, examples of them, and ways to identify them.

How did you manage to say so little in three lines.

You’ve still yet to provide a single positive this locked system has.

Thank you for keeping this thread on the front page. You can insult me all you’d like, it doesn’t help your argument as much as you seem to think.



I’d explain to you what that hashtag sounds like, but it’d lead to a forum vacation. I’m sure you can figure it out, though.


Hey, it’s Mike Teavee!

Keep being you, please never change

This thread wouldn’t be the same without you.

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How long before the desperate taunting of: “WELL IT’S GOING IN MY WAY SO I WIN HA HA HA”?

Only someone who never matured would write something so juvenile.

Okay, thanks. Keep insulting me, I still don’t think it helps your argument as much as you think. Truly, you’re the epitome of maturity.


Not insulting, just pointing how immature you sound.

Okay, thanks. Feel free to continue your insulting tirade against me, once again I’ll remind you, I don’t think this is going to win you an argument.


What’s that? Do I sense Froom playing the victim card?

Yes, woah is me. He hurt my feelings Blizzard, the only thing to repair this boo boo is to #PullTheRipcord.

I actually wonder if the anti-ripcord people even remember why they are anti-ripcord. They are like the flat earth people that did the experiment to prove the earth is flat and they ended up proving it was round so they just torched the research and acted like it never happened.

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Yes. Why are you wondering this? I’ve already told you.

Also this is a terrible analogy - this is like comparing apples to a Corvette.
One is a fun game, the other is an observable fact using experiment.