
Ralph made literally 20 threads on the same topic in a row directly attacking and insulting a large group of the player base in the original post yet those never got taken down.

Timbae’s get taken down because people come into the thread and start fights.
Seems like the favoritism is the other way around.


That will still be the reality. There will always be one overall best covenant for your spec.

You can’t stop the Meta in a numbers game. The developers are attempting the most irrational way to get everyone to “pick what they like”.

Isn’t going to happen.

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Didn’t he get a forum ban?

Yes, he did.

Help me too! :slight_smile:

Just a quick look at your thread history will no doubt show at least 4 threads all about covenants and removing the restrictions.

I’m not against them becoming changeable but honestly we have enough of these threads. New information should be updated to the already available threads, or the beta discussion revolving around covenant abilities.


Sounds like my resolve is unwavering.

It’s amazing when someone is going to be negatively impacted by something they squeak huh?

There wouldn’t be any other threads if people didn’t falsely flag them. :man_shrugging:

It doesn’t make it any more ok when it breaches the CoC.

I can assure you that there are plenty of threads on the topic which are unlocked. Also if they don’t breach CoC they will be reinstated if they were previously locked, and if they are locked due to spam then they probably need to be locked because they are a breach of CoC.

Bruh, they can’t even go for Spam/Trolling flags. They really gotta go for the RL threat flag.

God I hate that they removed downvotes. All removing them did was make people use flags instead, and flags should be for threads that actually break the rules, and not simply things people disagree with.


You say it breaks the CoC,

Everyone who disagreed reported it for spam and real life harrassment.

The spam was overturned. The moderators disagree with you. Move on.

Soon the absolute ludicrous “real life harassment” flag will be reverted also.


I mean if people are reporting it for that then, yeah that’s an issue.

Sure, if the mods decided it was ok then fine. I simply pointed it out because you literally had the exact thread title for a previous one.

The title was removed from the subject by a moderator incorrectly, so as a prime believer in the hashtag being a part of the movement. I made a new one.

If they hadn’t removed the hashtag, i wouldn’t have made the new thread.

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I mean the hashtag is just an identifier for twitter, I hardly see how that represents the movement itself.
Each to their own I guess. Society certainly has moved to hashtags being a brand unto themselves

I stand with Timbae. There mere fact that Ion has admitted to having this system in place indicates a lack of faith in the core system, not to mention their poor track record in this area.

Meaningful choice still exists, I choose a covenant who’s goals my character supports and seeks to advance the cause of.

I should not suffer a penalty to content as a result of this. If I want to PvP yet my covenant has a poor PvP talent because my main focus is PvE that directly penalises me for wanting to do and play different aspects of this game.

This is the first aspect that I can recall where a faction choice will have content altering issues and I don’t believe that this is reasonable.

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Oh sod off. You can say insanely annoying but we were fighting for an actual Alliance race. Must be nice playing the faction that gets everything they want.

Back on topic, if you believe something is unjust you fight against it. And tho I despise the hastag they need the pull the ripcord on this horrible system.

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no High Elf fans are just act like whiny, entitled, spoilt children.

I’m 100% with you on making these changes but I think you’re way too optimistic about Blizzard actually doing anything about it. They’re always so ignorant and stubborn when it comes to their internally beloved systems.

  • Legion Legendaries - they took forever to make it accessible eventually culminating in a vendor.
  • Essences - stubbornly held on to their view that they wanted people to grind essences even on alts until eventually letting people buy it via Echoes
  • Corruption - stubbornly kept it RNG drop-based (arguable worse than being able to pick a Covenant) but eventually let people buy it via vendor

…the point is, they stubbornly hold fast to something until it’s way too late. I’m going to guess it will be AT LEAST 1 year post Shadowlands release (c. December 2022) before they make Covenants / Soulbinds more detached from lore / transmog choice.

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10 characters

Says the horde on an Alliance race that got shoe-horned to horde because nobody played that faction in vanilla.

What a joke. You call people who fight against injustice (this includes ripcord pullers) as whiny children. All we want is a fair and just game that doesn’t punish us. Let me guess. You post on a level 40 because your main doesn’t do more than lfr and you know it probably won’t affect you if the ripcord gets pulled or not. Just like you play the faction that gets everything they ask for so who cares if Alliance gets shafted with playable races.