
you get the class ability and the covenant ability. for instance Kyrian you get the steward, Venthyr you get the port, Necro you get the shield, Night fae you get the soul shape. you test both.

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He tends to get uncivil that is why I have him on ignore

I don’t have anyone on ignore in the hopes that I can de-escalate and engage with the civilly. Sometimes it works, lol.

This exactly, you can’t break “meta” if your entire gameplay is quantifiable.

Stupid developers don’t understand how their own game works.

They’re just making it harder for no reason at all. It’s like they enjoy making us frustrated to play the endgame they designed.


Everyone knows it will happen, it’s a matter of when. Yank the bandaid off now and…



in truth i wish blizzard would just let beta be open for all. test launch, test what everyone would feel not just the streamers or the MDI or the CE or glad people. sadly they dont do that for some reason and its stuck with those of us that have gotten into beta trying to debate with those that haven’t. you have the right to your opinion, and the fact you want to try it.

the thing is with statistics they chose a portion of the community and that portion is saying this is bad. it can be generalized that the majority will not like it for one reason or the other.

I stand by the #PullTheRipcord it sadly will be done anyways.

i do understand the feeling of wanting to try it. It was great getting to test the abilities the first 5 mins because they are new. But the fact is the new wore off fast.


Yes indeed, you ought to plug your brain in, clearly its offline.

Yes it was, thanks. Anything else?

I’m all pro #pulltheripcord plenty here can attest to that and when I say grinding in SL , I’m talking about having to to make multiple toons for all the content we’ve been able to do on just one for years.

I’d rather farm 3 sets of azerite #pulltheripcord

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I would like to have them as talents that I can select from depending on the content I am doing but I do not believe they should be able to be key bound all at the same time.

Awesome contribution.



Thread has been hidden again by community flags,

This for time:

Your post was flagged as a real life threat: the community feels it is threatening to a user.

I thought we were the snowflakes? Huh.


Maybe they are afraid you will take all four of your shamans and tickle them with lightning.

i dont understand why covenants can’t be discussed on the forums. Whether is for or against them they are counted as spam.


If your only recourse is to silence the opposition, maybe your stance isn’t as strong as you think it is? Ticket is in here talking to us, what are the rest of them doing except trying to run from discussion by shutting threads down?



I agree. #pulltheripcord


Because people have differing opinions about them and any opinion that’s opposite their own means they are evil people that should be bleeped out to oblivion. Trust me, I know. I got tickled to death by lightning.

It’s a joke, not a slight at anyone else.

There have been topics in the past that they have taken down over the last couple of expacs plus SL and when things got so bad that they had to make changes they came back with we didn’t know , no one said anything.

I’m pretty sure I remember at least 1 or more threads about MM hunters in Legion that happening to.