Actually if it where just a 5% difference in numbers and not a 30% difference I would gladly stay with my beloved Fae choice (I draw fairies as a hobby). However I do raid and for the sake of other raiders I need to land in maldraxuss (I’m slightly afraid of skellies). FUN huh.
All because Blizzard made the variance way to fricken large to ignore!
Also there is a chance they will randomly patch it…that would be annoying as well.
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The RP thing has already been debunked. We still help all of the covenants even after we pick one. If they were all at war it would kinda make sense, but they aren’t, they are all working together.
I want to rp a Venthyr tea partying Door of shadows blinking behind my enemies shooting them out of site in random bgs Kyrian resonating arrow mm hunter.
Well at least for pvp .
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Well, i don’t know the full story of Shadowlands yet.
I just hope that the Dark Lady will become our Warchief again…
Bow down before the Dark Lady, Goddess of Death!
For the Forsaken!
Death to the living!
#KeepCovenants #BurnAllTrees
Ah yes, that’s a great reason to ruin gameplay.
How many times are you going to tell me what I’m thinking or what I want dude, honestly? I don’t want covenants removed, I want them to be a talent row…as they -should- be.
Edit: If anything, it’s -you- that wants covenants removed, because this ‘balance’ game Blizzard is playing consists of nuking the hell out of all the abilities until they’re all husks of what they once were. 97% nerfs are TONS OF FUN BRO.
Edit edit: #PullTheRipcord
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Despair causes Shattered Resolve when it expires. The damage from Shattered Resolve can be reflected to Vexiona, so make good use of your Spell Reflection casts!
Its as good of a day as any to be wrong I guess.
The covenants system with power tied into it looks like a disaster cause it is disaster…
They will pull the cord, if they don’t well 9.3 is always a thing right guys!?!?
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Unless they add more systems in 9.1 and 9.2 and the prospect of coming back in 9.3 is a massive, daunting grind. I don’t know any company that would be stupid enough to do something like discourage players from coming back to the game, though.
I was playing God of war and Kratos asked me to deliver a message.
Pull the ripcord or else me and my Boi are coming for you
#Just pull it.
Yet blizzard has done it repeatedly. Most recently with requiring massive grinds for essences (until they were finally added to mother and even then one toon has to do the grinds,) The grind for the correct azerite traits, and leveling your cloak to stack corruptions that have had huge nerfs consistently and were rng based on 8.3 release.
Imagine coming back the first week of 8.3 and doing 10k compared to people pushing 100k+ and being told you had to do all of that.
My dude, I don’t need to imagine it. I just came back 2 weeks ago.
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Thank you for the tip!
The only exception in the entire game?

If you want to keep covenants, why do you insist on keeping them locked? That’s how we lose covenants, my friend. It sounds to me like you want covenants gone. 
Can we burn all covenants trees tho?
I heard the Jailer covenant has a selection of 4 utility abilities and 4 class abilities. I wanna join the Jailer’s covenant.