
Seems good.

One of my idea was to do this and all players that choose this are flagged for wpvp agaisn,t all other covenants even in warmode off.

Now that’s something I’d play.

Puts a gun in Zoumz’s head

You will join one of the four covenants and you will like it.

– Ion.

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Enraged at this stubbornness, Ion proceeds and shoots Zoumz and then laughs like Yogg Saron


A song starts after I fall.


To be honest if we really want to make them pull the ripcord the best way would to have everyone simply not choose a covenant.

If we opt out of the system there is no way they can balance it.

I’m not buying the expansion so far, so for me it’s done.

Covenants locks, conduit locks, aoe cap, gcd problems.

I have other hobbies than just hurting myself.


Sometimes a player outgrows a game but sometimes the game outgrows the player. If this game isn’t for you anymore then that’s alright, there are hundreds of thousands of other games out there for you.

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Yes sure, doesn’t mean I can’t wish this game got better. It’s not like I don’t want to play wow, it’s more like wow doesn’t want me to play it.


Bye Felicia.

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Here comes Yesuna with a mighty sword to destroy anyone who criticizes the game


Yeah I’m reaching that point myself.

AOE caps - I love the huge pulls. Its one of the easiest ways to test your power increase. Can I pull one more guy? How about these two packs together that wasn’t possible last month?

Prot talent changes - I finally got a ton of reps up to exalted and worked on getting all of my transmogs unlocked (according to all the things I’m now 46% done with everything.) But I hate the way the changes make the class feel and I’m again in the place were I have to choose to either stick with a spec I hate or reroll to another class and regrind everything, again.

Covenant rp and mechanical powers tied to a single choice - I really want that Necrolord plate set but necrolord is the worst covenant for all warrior specs. As prot is already the worst tank picking the worst covenant on top of that just seems idiotic…

I haven’t made a decision yet about quiting for a bit but I do know I’m finding it hard to log in as I just see it as a potential waste of time.

Some of it could be interesting but each time they go too far.
Can some ability be aoe cap? Yes sure we already got some. Chain lightning , etc.
Can covenants give some type of powers? Maybe a bit? Does it need to be as powerful as of now or to be abilities? Probably not.
Did some ability needed to be on the gcd? Pally wings and battlecry for warriors for sure, did all the defensive and utilities and etc. needed to go on it? Really not.
Do conduits need to be lock? That’s probably the worse one, I don’t see ANY point to not wanting to change conduit it doesn’t bring ANYTHING.

You know the more I think about it the more I realize that now would be the best time to leave. I’m disillusioned enough to see that all the work I put into this character was for nought and there is no reason for me to believe they will ever change how heavy handed they are with nerfs and design decisions.

I’ve been thinking for the last couple of years about making a web design course that would make me enough money for a down payment on a house but have put it off to spend time in game. I want them to take my money and give me a game I enjoy but it seems they are hellbent on forcing me to make better life decisions.

And just LOOK at how well elemental shaman is doing right now. Considering my main at the moment is an Elemental Sham, I can tell you, it is a little bit of a struggle. Meta is not the word I would use to describe it. 15 item levels higher than my DH at 476? I can finally sim almost as well. Almost!

I’m basicly waiting for release to take a decision. Not saying I won’t come back, just that what I see right now is not attractive. There are a lot of new mmos coming and FF14, I also have started enjoying not playing as much this expansion (BFA is the expansions I played the less)

Yes I mean, it’s complicated. I do seem to see monks and shamans struggle more, I would probably never main one of those class anymore. I had my fun in Classic(not vanilla^^)/TBC/Wotlk with my alt sham.

Wow…what could have been.


:pray: :pray: :pray:

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Hahahaa that made me laugh. :+1:




If wearing a mask is that bad for you, imagine how a ventilator will feel.