Time to use up my daily quota of likes.
Time to use up my daily quota of likes.
And yet for some of us wearing a mask is an actual problem. I have COPD this makes it so that wearing a mask feels like I’m suffocating (because I am.)
So you accidentally made a viable comparison though not in the way you want. That covenants are in fact a problem.
I am with OP!!
#Pull the ripcord.
Covenants aren’t working. It’s a fail system.
This looks amazing. I would love this system.
Defensive cooldowns and DPS cooldowns without an immediate impact should not be on the GCD.
Like sure, put the Infernal or the Darkglare on the GCD since they do something immediately. But if I’m getting stats from something like Dark Soul and I can’t immediately utilize those stats by casting a spell, that just feels terrible.
You’ve got it backwards. Blizzard don’t believe in “meaningful choice” or “RPG elements”, that’s the buzzwords that they throw to the Ralphs of the world, who think that because Ion said it, it must be true.
It makes me really sad that we haven’t gotten a new talent row since like WoD.
Not to mention things like innervate or mana tea being on the GCD. When I’m pushing that button it means I need to start pumping healing now, not 2 gcds from now after I activate my 3 buffs.
Absolutely. “Oh, you want an immediate impact? Sorry, gotta wait a GCD for that”.
Like why.
I quit for most of BfA, it’s simply not enjoyable for a product that’s meant to be entertainment.
After returning and seeing the current state of the game, the recent server mergers, the toxic as all end mythic+ players stuck in the same 5man for 3~ years, the death of progression replaced by carry spam in trade chat and the free cheese box chest…
I just don’t think it matters anymore, and I do not think the Blizzard Dev team are allowed to care hashtag or not, feels like it’s simply not their call anymore.
I have little to no reason to even buy SL, as of yet I still haven’t and history has shown that Blizzard is not interested in feedback but good luck.
My absolute favorite of the meaningless buzz terms is “Overwatch with raids”. It’s just the most nonsensical thing, and some people latch onto it like its their only hope for survival.
I still have no idea what that’s even supposed to mean.
…Is WoW going to become a shooter if the Ripcord gets pulled?
There’s a weird group of people that keep comparing wow to all kinds of fps’ for nor reason. Some time ago I was discussing gcd’s with a guy and he kept telling me that i wanted one-shot macros and to make wow like cs:go…
Well known tactic of macroing several abilities together in a game that doesn’t even have any abilities.
Party leader: Hey why are you just standing there do something. Hello Hello
Healer : maybe he disconnected?
PL : Ok will give a couple seconds then we vote kick
Rest of party : ok sounds good
PL: ok initiating kick
Player that did not move : 1 shots boss
Player : GCD
Yoink dat cord
We already have abilities that are not optimal or usable in encounters. For example: i cannot stun dungeon or raid bosses and cannot spell reflect their attacks. Covenants abilities are the same as talents only they are locked.
Covenants is a RP feature: they are factions that provides special abilities to their allies. You simply want access to all abilities to beat all game mechanics which render the Covenant feature useless.
You are asking for the removal of Covenants.
I don’t mind the small special abilities. I mind the damn game defining class abilities!
Anything do do with direct damage should not be linked with Covenants…everything else have a ball.
And I say this because Blizzard insists upon putting in a “wrong choice” and not balancing these to equal dps/usefullness.
Don’t make the choices un-equal and then tell me I have a real choice. That’s not a real choice, it’s a manipulation disgused as a choice.
Spell reflect is coming for dps specs btw xd
They simply want you to chose your allies carefully.
You seem to care more about numbers than the game itself.