Pepsi Max or Pepsi.
This is an important question.
Pepsi Max of course, what kind of question is that
Except it does and I’m not
Good, good.
It’s generally understood, but you just need to clarify because there’s occasionally monsters out there who when you ask them to get you a Pepsi with your Zinger Box, they hand you a regular Pepsi.
what in the hell is wrong with you people
if they try to hand me that pepsi max crap i hand it back to them and tell them to get me a real pepsi and not that cat urine
See, this is what I’m talking about.
I’d almost be willing to bet you’re either from SA, or someone extremely near the border of SA.
Bunch of heathens in that state.
Why is this an SA thing!?
also my name is the name the juice and milk drinks brand
Because when someone says something as objectively wrong as “regular pepsi is better than pepsi max”, they’re either from SA, Sydney or Suburban Queensland.
No exceptions.
Plus, Farmers Union is better than Nippys.
I disagree
And if you keep going down this dark path I’ll start saying to not pull the ripcord
You’re the one going down the dark path.
It’s not too late, you can redeem your preference in Iced Coffee and Cola.
Soda is bad for you and so is complaining about covenants.
Make peace with them, they are coming, ripcord intact and all.
Here’s the thing I do not care if they were perfectly balanced (spoiler they won’t be) I want to be able to use all my 60 talents it’s an incredibly dumb design setup. Pretty much everyone in favor of locks has admitted they just want to stick it to the “hardcore”
Wait what? Are you trolling? BFA is absolute trash tier every single broken system possible was added to the game. The main reason people still play is wow has the only passable mmo combat and the best group content.
You mean when professions had depth and usefulness and there was still stuff to do outside of raids but it wasn’t required?
I concur.
Worst part is that there will be pushback at launch because they have chosen to design it all in the worst way possible.
still salty that they Aspect of the wild and bestial wrath are on the gcd, same thing for exhilaration…
Someone said the buzz term “meaningful choice” and Blizzard is now chewing on it like a dog with a new bone.
(sharp whistles) Put it down boy…down…put it down!!
(throws them a new bone) “#PulltheRipcord”
silly me, almost forgot, #pulltheripcord.
Not one for hasthags but god is this system not gonna be fun.
People didn’t like being locked in one spec thanks to legendaries and artifact knowledge in legion, people didn’t enjoy reforging azerite and people will not enjoy being stuck with only 1 covenant ability/soulbind.