
I like vanilla WoW :C

and if you diss vanilla ice cream again, we’re going to be fighting outside Orgrimmar. :imp:

It is good but it can get boring . We just want the option to liven it up may be some sprinkles , or hot fudge or some other fun topping .

Vanilla ice cream with pineapple, my dude…Id commit a felony for that right now.

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And you can, that’s what soulbinds are for.

I just don’t agree with you all stamping your feet in the baskin robbins demanding all the flavors like petulant little children.

That’s a rocky road you travel

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No, that’s not a fair comparison.

Soulbinds are like choosing a side with your ice-cream.

I’m an adult, I ask for 4 flavors they are giving me 4 flavors.

They value my money as a business.


There it is. Can’t have a full conversation without someone from your side throwing an insult. And yet, somehow, we’re the petulant children.

I like how these people pretend that the game used to not have these systems about six years ago, and was better off without them, before they started breaking professions/classes.

Six years ago when it was -literally- Overwatch with raids?

I’m not going to apologise for being right for two separate things in this thread.

But Pepsi is clearly the better caffeinated beverage.


Common misconception, it was actually TF2 with raids.

What’s the difference?

TF2 is good. :slight_smile:

#mountaindewisthebettercaffeinatedbeverage :grin:


Doctor Pepper would be #2

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Demonstrably incorrect. Hate to harass you like this, but mountain dew was created to be a mixer with whisky. Have you ever tried that? Its disgusting…it fails at what it was made to do. Major loss of points, right there.

This is grounds for Mak’gora.

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I’ve done it with jack fire and it was ok

Bring it on fluffy .

I choose non rip cord pullers at 10 paces

They have to be useful for something

Is the same thing Blizzard always does, fixing things that arent broken. They just went overboard this time, they found a solution to a problem that didnt exist in the first place.

They could have made another talent row and made the conduits into an “artifact weapon”, they are basically the same thing.


At this point they should just bring back talent trees, since that’s basically all the artifact things they keep making ever are, talent trees tied to a borrowed power system.