
Blizzard: We want your feedback and we look at all over it

Also Blizzard: who wants random legendaries, infinite grinds, azerite armor, corruption, gcd changes and master looter removed, aoe cap, dungeon buffs, 1 week CD conduits, covenants locked YEHAWWWWWW

What on earth? LOL

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How about people like Timbae choosing to rip on a person’s achievements and raid progression when he can’t counter the actual argument they’re presenting? Let’s start with that.

They never said they would follow your advice. Only receive it.

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Tearing apart your flimsy arguments isn’t bullying.

Sorry, not sorry.

You mean when someone called me a benchwarmer despite being the raid leader of my guild? You try to draw rank and I’ll fire back.

I haven’t even mentioned the fact you’re posting on a level 10 Classic character. Way to avoid my ability to character assassinate. Damn.


Yeeeah yeeeah!

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To be fair, that person was talking about raid balance and they had never done a raid besides LFR.

You won’t see me talking about PvP balance because I’m trash at PvP and don’t know anything.


If you’re going to claim that mythic raiding requires certain things, you should probably have the requisite experience to make those claims.

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Well you are posting on a classic toon so of course you’d only want vanilla ice cream

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Turnberry is there an achievement for being the fastest achivement shamer in the west? Asking for a friend.

Look, I actually think Timbaeslice is very handsome and we should most definitely #PullTheRipcord.

I don’t even play retail anymore, i only play classic these days but I can see where they are coming from. We should try to encourage people to do more content!


Thank you man, #PullTheRipcord

Very cool!

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Very well said, random Classic WoW player.

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What’s wrong with that? Vanilla ice cream is awesome. Especially the kind with the tiny little black dots in there.

That Timboslice is truly the picture of civility in this lawless land. There are some good people left in classic.

Edit: Before I get called out for harassment, the above statement is not directed at or referencing any negative emotions i may have toward any other classic players.

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Yeah vanilla is great, you could eat it every day. But then maybe one day you want to try something else, but you can’t because if you open that tub of rocky road, it means you can never eat vanilla again.

Sad story right?

Breaks my heart, It’d be like just trying out Coke to see if it was better than Pepsi but not being able to go back unless I lift 350 boxes up the stairs.

Not worth my curiosity If I’m happy with Pepsi.

Literally has me in tears rn. No more vanilla ice ream ever again…unless I drive their delivery truck for a few weeks, working for no pay.

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what kind of monster are you … liking pepsi.

We should probably stop responding so similarly, or people will start accusing me of being a you alt.