How about people like Timbae choosing to rip on a person’s achievements and raid progression when he can’t counter the actual argument they’re presenting? Let’s start with that.
Look, I actually think Timbaeslice is very handsome and we should most definitely #PullTheRipcord.
I don’t even play retail anymore, i only play classic these days but I can see where they are coming from. We should try to encourage people to do more content!
That Timboslice is truly the picture of civility in this lawless land. There are some good people left in classic.
Edit: Before I get called out for harassment, the above statement is not directed at or referencing any negative emotions i may have toward any other classic players.
Yeah vanilla is great, you could eat it every day. But then maybe one day you want to try something else, but you can’t because if you open that tub of rocky road, it means you can never eat vanilla again.
Breaks my heart, It’d be like just trying out Coke to see if it was better than Pepsi but not being able to go back unless I lift 350 boxes up the stairs.