I’m a tank tho.
Because being all of the covenants feels cheap.
Healing dummies exist.
So do tank dummies.
RPG must of been the trigger word for the hypnotized massed .
Ion snapped his fingers said rpg and they all went yes master
How do i simulate pvp?
Woah, slow down. Let’s not confuse the guy.
So you can’t express your feelings and can only regurgitate lazy talking points.
Nah, you see, we don’t want to join all of the covenants, we just want access to the abilities that they all gave us when we went in and saved their zones from certain doom. Seems reasonable.
Pull the Ripcord Blizzard, borrowed power is the epitome of meaningless filler content. Legendary gear needs to be legendary again.
Ion has his view of whats degenerate gameplay, meaningless, epitome, hollow content is what many view as degeneracy.
“I don’t want to pick one flavor of icecream, I want all of the flavors!”
Ice cream parlours will happily give you all the flavors if you pay, after all they want us to return.
Let me pay in gold to have access to all flavors.
Nice comparison.
It’s not like the covenants give you their powers just like that the second you turned up into their zone while leveling. Wouldn’t be having this conversation and I guarantee you both sides here would be happy if we just learned them as a result of using them instead of using them for a little bit and then picking one for the rest of the expansion.
Actually, yeah. I dont want to only have chocolate ice cream for 2 years. Id like to mix it up from time to time.
Nah I don’t want all of em at once. But maybe I want vanilla in the morning and chocolate at night. Seems reasonable.
1/3 of all posts in this thread are the same 10 people patting each other on the back. 3k indeed.
They always change may be a patch or 2 .
We are just trying to get it done before the people standing on the train tracks wait to see what happens . We are trying to stop the train wreck before it happens.
I was reasonable and would have been okay with swappable covenants with special strengths and perks to those who stuck with one.
Welcome back, thanks for the contribution.
You’ve got 59 Posts in this thread.
Grymes you’ve got 70.
Ask Yesuna, your team, how that’d land.
I really wish people against #PullTheRipcord had organisation like us? Maybe they can meet up and have a staff meeting over ZOOM.