Grymes picks his talent spec then never swaps/respecs because doing that would feel cheap.
Ethical gamer.
More meaningful choice in the game please.
Grymes picks his talent spec then never swaps/respecs because doing that would feel cheap.
Ethical gamer.
More meaningful choice in the game please.
I know right? it didnt make sense back in BC, Wrath and Cata when we got new talents. I mean is not like they could have easily made the new covenant abilities into a new talent row…
So it’s not shallow to force players to choose a covenant without being able to try them at all in max level content?
I don’t care if you’re allowed to try them. You should just have to pick between one eventually.
Don’t you remember what someone said the other day, once you’ve done combat with them it’s all the same
Man this thread was starting to wind down thank god Grymes reappeared.
So look, here’s the thing. You’re wrong about lacking abilities making sense. If I’m leading a faction with 3 other factions against a creature that is threatening to destroy me and some dude comes along to help…I’m not gonna make him suck my toes exclusively in order to get them whatever I can do to help.
Can we just try them this way forever? Seems like the best idea. I like to take my time when trying new things.
I don’t get how being forced to stay with the covenant is in any way more meaningful than actually choosing to stay, which makes it an actual choice.
Can i try one out in raiding to see if it’s any good then try out a different one in PvP?
If you’re not sworn to my organization, I might offer you a little trust, but the full benefits aren’t going to come until you swear yourself completely to me.
I agree to pick a covenant before the launch of 10.0
Then you’re dooming yourself to failure because you’re as arrogant and self important as Blizzards dev team, apparently.
Edit: wtf autocorrect
I SWEAR I’ll have it then also. I should have had a good enough experience trying them out.
I support letting you teleport to a tiny closed dimension or something when you hit 60, letting you test the abilities, and not being able to leave until you pick one.
Does the tiny closed dimension have a raid tier and other players inside it?
Oh oh maybe an arena?
How does that let me see how it works in PvP?
It’ll have training dummies.
They don’t fish for kicks or try to LOS me.
Describe why you think this is a good idea, without using the words “Meaningful” “RPG” “Choice” or “consequences.”
Okay, so healers don’t get to test things in your world. Got it.