
Because I like the covenant? I mean yeah, Fae Stomp is supposedly bugged in different ways according to monks on the forums, but the ability just appeals to my playstyle. It might not be great in every scenario, and depending on how picky the essence font bolts are in who they land on that part might be annoying, but I guess I’ll find out. It’s cool, blizzard wanted to add something cool.

So can I get an example of how locking in player power for honestly arbitrary reasons is or can be a good change to the overall health of the game?

Wouldn’t it be simpler to say let us earn the class abilities from the various covenants through building rep ?

We will be sent by our various main covenants to aid the others so why not let us earn rep that when we get to a certain level we get the class abilities from our non main covenant.

None are enemies with each other and all this system does is give Blizz a reason to have us have grind multiple toons if you want to so different content on the same spec or want to run multiple specs. This is just a way for them to be lazy and make less real content.

Which is perfectly good, that’s what at least myself and probably the designers want you to do. We all want players to have fun with their abilities; but wouldn’t you have just as much fun and or more fun if you can not only play with that ability. But as well as every other Covenant ability over the course of the expansion? With no wall to climb in terms of reknown or anything of the sort. You can just swap when you want or even every week (I’m still iffy on that one) and try out something different/new.

the only thing i can think of personally is that means its to try and create a different mindset about how restrictive socially players can be. kinda like the idea of bring the player not the class. People at the moment wont take you based on your class. However now with the covenants adding buffs to dungeons its making it where sorry we need to have this covenant…

on top of that with the mindset bring the player not the class then the classes would be designed more equally which also goes against what people are wanting ironically. With people wanting it to not be a cookie cutter.

That’s speculation. In my opinion, they could have kept classes as whole entities and just added random whatevers on top for flavor. Instead, they chose to prune the heck out of all the classes, then fill in whatever holes there were with borrowed power. It wouldn’t be a gamble if classes were still entire classes.

And that’s the way you enjoy the game, I commend you for not stressing out about it like I am. But, having covenants be swappable would not stop you from playing fae stomp and taking whatever soulbinds you’re interested in. Why do you need covenants locked to play fae stomp and have the slowfall soulbind?

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Not to downplay your point, or to tilt blizzard even though they never give me a weapon in any raid tier for the first month or two -.-. A lot of design in games is depicted from their player metrics. If it shows activity they see it as a good thing. A lot of people grinded for Azerite Power this expansion for any particular reason. Was it necessarily fun to a majority of people? Not to my knowledge but it showed a lot of activity therefore to their metrics it showed as fun content. Take that thought process and expand it to other areas of the game. Tada locked covenants tied to player power. :confused:

We don’t know yet because we never experimented it!

You know what Covenants will be and you know what action, in advance, Blizzard will take in case it’s not good. Let it happen! Maybe it will be boring like the Alliance or maybe it will add other dynamics into the game.

You need to sit back and enjoy the ride: you are a passenger.
It’s simply not the time to ask for the removal of something not even released yet.

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This just turns it into bring the covenant, not the player or the class.

thats exactly my point

not only is covenants adding a new ability that is OP and restrictive for instance, all 3 mage specs like 3 different covenant abilities right now and different specs do best in different content. But, they added massive buffs for having them in specific dungeons.

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Try mixing them it’s like a creamy chocolate covered strawberry


You make it sound kind of like you want to be able to have all four covenant abilities at once. Between the unpruning and the way the new abilities can act, there’s still gonna be a choice in some way. If they really wanted to they could attach your ability choice to the soulbinds, I dunno where they would put it otherwise.

We would have the opportunity to try them out for ourselves while leveling and before we choose the covenant. I’m still of the mind that they should add a scenario where its that proving grounds thing where you can test out the abilities in controlled environments or a room where your free to test them all out for later patch cycle testing. I don’t know, I’m not a game designer and I’m trying not to be a jerk about this.

This is something I have suggested. Let us earn each ability while we are working with the covenants then when we make our final choice let soul binds of our chosen covenant work with all for of our class abilities.

personally i thought of this as well and they can make it where the covenant you choose is the one you can soulbind with while the others just give access to the abilities themselves because you reached exalted. It gives the meaningful choice of power still.

This entire post is dangerous, “We don’t know yet because we never experimented it!” So your thought process is you refuse others advice with results and proven distrust and distain for the system because you personally haven’t been affected by it yet?

As to your second point, Ion has already said there is a ripcord in case the way convenants don’t play out how they want them. Which if you haven’t noticed in their track record is if its anything a loud audience complains and has said “This is bad we can show this is bad and this continues to be bad” they do what the player base has asked multiple times before. So we are currently trying to get ahead of that whole ordeal by giving them appropriate feedback before its officially implemented and can damage their bottom line whatever that may be.

There is no new dynamic if it can be tested and proven wrong before the official launch. If you can provide how it can be a new dynamic to me go ahead.

Lastly it is entirely the moment to ask for something to be removed before it’s released. I don’t know about you but when I buy a new game I don’t want there to be a huge bug that crashes my game every five minutes because it was a feature of said game. (Little extreme but it gets the point across) Or that an overpowered weapon can be obtained three mins in that makes the entire rest of the game just boring. That’s not fun at all.

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Pretty stressed over the fact that 3/4 monk covenant abilities have been reported as bugged since alpha and still nothing from blizz on them or the monk bugs that have existed for years. </3

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off topic but when the trailer of sonic went out and an uproar of how bad the character looked happened. the team went back and fixed it. They didnt release it then fix it. no, they held the release and fixed it before it went out. Yes its a movie but the same thing can be said for a game that is being tested.


So slight off bit, we can try the first ability that they give us. During the questing leveling up. We don’t however get the actual ability that is tied to player power until AFTER you hit max level and choose which covenant you’ll be apart of locking in your choice and that determines player power behind an arbitrary wall. If that makes sense, if it doesn’t let me know.

Wait, the movement ability or the class ability? I swear I thought they said we get the class ability to try as we level, was I wrong?

I was corrected by guildies, you get both to test. However you don’t know their interaction with anything end game like raids and pvp till after max and choosing.