
We didn’t really have anything like this until Legion though. It wasn’t like vanilla was the exact same all the way up through WoD, so I don’t understand this point. TBC was great, WotLK was great, MoP was pretty great…none of these had borrowed power. TBC had a faction lock, but it didn’t have nearly the repercussions that covenants do.

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I used to raid and now play pretty casually because of new child, I do get to raid sometimes though in heroic with friend’s guild. At the beginning of Legion, I got really bad legendaries and it really killed my drive to play the game because if I joined a group I would be laughed at or turned down; That was really punishing. Why should I be punished and not be able to try out the abilities of each covenant, why should I be locked to a covenant for “meaningful choice” and hurt the gameplay if I wanted to do some dungeons or try pvp one weekend. What happens if/when they change my covenant, I don’t like it anymore and all the time I have spent grinding this stuff is just thrown out the window because now I’m atrocious at things because of my “MEANINGFUL CHOICE”


Maybe being optimal is what some people want to do and consider fun

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Didn’t I hear though somewhere that even if you were behind, there would still be a catchup for if you switched covenants so your not that far behind? Also, are we talking about AP, or AP? I’m thinking you are talking about Azerite power because that was where hard caps came in up until 8.3

Thank you for not instantly scalding me in hot water.

#PullTheRIpcord I would like to enjoy the expansion.


So Legion AP, every patch there were hard AP stops. So early Legion it was I believe 36 or something, then 52 the next and so on till the last patch of the expansion. BFA was the first expansion out of these two that had a none stop grind that you could do. There were essentially soft caps by going only as much as you wanted after a certain level. With covenants you can do one, then if you want to swap you can and you’ll have a catch up. However, if you want to go back to your old one that will take more time and effort than going for it the first time or the second one that you swapped to. It could take twice as long as the initial grind or even longer. That is one thing we don’t know but just based off how Ion phrased it. It will be much more difficult to regrind that reknown, if you want to count me as a 1%er we don’t want the removal of Covenants, we want the freedom to play all of them in any content we choose to play. We’re vocal because we want the same freedom to be expressed to you. Or any new player.

I had a paragraph ready then I read your first sentence closer and realized I was going the wrong direction. There were still things about the classes that changed their playstyle. A mistweaver monk going from MoP to WoD was different because chi for them no longer exists. That was no longer the class some had played during MoP.

Heck most of the people I know are not even doing retail at this time and when I tell them bout what is going on with SL they aren’t that thrilled with it.

Those are class changes, I fully welcome class changes. Covenants aren’t class changes, it’s borrowed power and it locks us out of power for 2 years.

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Considering there’s a week-long cool down on picking a new covenant, this would be a horrible idea. It’d be anyone’s guess as to which would be the next best covenant, and if you pick wrong…you’re screwed for a week!

Next horrible idea, anyone?

I’d pull the thread on the simple basis that hashtags are idiotic. You could just say “pull the ripcord on covenants” and then write a thought-out post on why, instead of complaining that your hashtag was pulled.

ive complained about artifact weapon, azerite, and covenants now. I hated the fact that the weapons made it extremely difficult to do more than one spec or class because of

  1. AK
  2. AP grind.

luckily it was changed so that it was shared across specs.


Covenants are going to make it hard to do more than one spec or character because of the restrictions.

if you start late with another character then you are behind on renown, and the rankings for soulbind abilities. its impossible to swap more than once a week to try and be optomize for the content you are doing, because i consider this equal to having healing essences while in tank or dps spec if you dont switch.

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They change the way you play a class. There is a soulbind trait that’s basically where if you fall at least 20 yards you get a slowfall effect. Depending on how this interacts, this could change the way I play because now rolling off cliffs is even more powerful for escape because I don’t need to hit a goblin glider for it. It’s just a cool spell interaction that I thought of when looking at the soulbind calculator.

Maybe think of the entire covenant system as a special talent row, one that’s just harder to change and has more flavor attached to it to be thematic with the expansion?

Thanks for the video, I guess? This doesn’t explain how adding borrowed power made the game better. Can you use your own words to tell me why you think this?

But, if the covenant class ability sucks…then why would you bother hunting for some of the stranger soulbind interactions that share a covenant with it?

Times can change from Beta to launch as well :smiley: Keep Covenants, give us freedom to choose anytime.

Didn’t actually know that about artifact power. I guess I just came late to Legion, so I thought it was uncapped from the beginning. I had a lot of fun in legion compared to WoD.

Okay, but all those examples are perfectly good reasons to keep Covenants as thematic design expressions. Not origins of character power for the next two odd years. That’s the split where I think a lot of people are getting confused.


2nd half of legion was very good, you had better drop chance with legendaries and could equip 2 at once. the AK was easier and had a catch up mechanic and the fixed the problem with the AP only going into weapons at one time. Sadly the first half year or first year was bad with the grind and the limitations.

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Sometime it’s a win and sometime it’s a pain. But Blizzard need to try new things, improve the game, keep it up to date with the latest trends. This game would be already dead if kept as Vanilla for all those years.