
I’m willing to help you get CE that way you can get beta and see how atrocious it is for yourself. Free of charge.

You are talking about an event that not even happened yet…
This is anxiety: a feeling of fear or apprehension about what’s to come.

I’m very proud of the control you showed, then. But, you still shouldn’t resort to personal attacks. If you think he misinterpreted your point, explain it in a different way.

What you wrote made no sense. Your reply to me calling you on it was honestly childish. Try again, do better.

Why do I have to make many alts/characters to play out the different stories over the course of the expansion. Why is POWER AND STORY locked behind it and people are okay with this “meaningful choice”
Why do I have to let my guild raid group down if I have my covenant changed/nerfed and I’m forced to go back and forth


No, this is a hypothesis. An educated guess, educated because of…everything Blizzard has ever done?

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Missed the point again. It’s fine, i’ve just taken way to many philo classes in college.
I’m not sure you’re going to grasp it, and I don’t have the patience to get there anyways.


I’m fine with Convenants being locked. But only for the cosmetic stuff…

If you wanna run around in your Kyrian transmog, on your Kyrian mount and high five all your fellow Kyrian bros, not only do I think it’s okay, I encourage it.

Pick your Covenant. Lock it in. Start working on those cosmetic rewards.

Make the Covenant abilities a new talent row.


That’d be great actually, maybe with that mount I can have enough eyes to overanalyze something that’s supposed to be fun.

It’s honestly a joke, appreciate the offer.

At the moment, many classes/specs have 1-2 covenants that are good/great while the others fall flat and not even worth thinking about dps/healing/tanking wise. Blizzard has a massive history of sending out unfinished content atm (Azerite, priest, shaman, essences, corruption) that will drastically get changed a patched later.

If power is now tied hand and hand to my design choices…will I be getting more dps for cooler looking transmogs?

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It would be lovely if player power wasn’t attached to it.


Define the point then? Wow you spent thousands of dollars for Philo classes in college when the things you reference are online for free to read. You must be so intuitive of things. Then break it down for all of us. What exactly is the point you were making about keeping covenants the way they are in relation to the allegory of the cave.

It’s amazing how we’ve yet to arrive at this point yet.

Didn’t see anyone complain too much when it was Artifact weapons. The main problem with that was that artifact power didn’t share between specs. Then they added that quality of life change too late with BFA and lookie here, this player power is generic!

I’d argue that the artifact weapons aren’t equivalent to the covenants. I’d say that the legendary items were the problem of Legion. Accessibility continues to be the issue with every expansion for the past 4 years, and we’re doing it again. That is the definition of insanity.

We won’t ever get there. He has no direct points toward the beginning of the discussion, other than “I haven’t tested it and I think I’ll like it. Even though all these people who have tested and have told us in multiple ways this is bad. I think they are dumb and shouldn’t have the right to try and use their voice to try and gain results in the way they see fit.” or something along those lines.

There is going to be something different for every expansion, covenants is it for this one. Otherwise we would be how many years of vanilla? Things are and will be subject to change. Artifacts were fine, I enjoyed Legion.

So one reason at least in my personal view, the idea of AP wasn’t nearly as bad because AP had a hard stop at points until the last patch of the expansion. Along with the inherent catch up mechanic that was implemented made the grind that much less awful. But I see where you’re going with this. Which is fair, the idea with covenants isn’t that we can’t regrind and get two + things up at a time if we put the time and effort in. It’s rather you can only do one and if you try another you essentially messed up yourself for any future content if something were to happen to your personal choice.

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There wasn’t anything till Legion, we had ~10 years of our characters just being our characters. I’d love to see a day where we return to the roots of the game with no borrowed powers.