
Meaningful choice.

I know it’s not the answer you guys like to hear, and you’ll try and refute me into next December, but…yeah.


Man oh man, I wish I could be this wrong but I ain’t got four wives to yell at me for it.

I’m all for meaningful choice, however you can create that without locking player power behind it.


They got locked because some people could not be civil or did all they could to derail .

He was, until the second he stepped behind the curtain. Just like joining any management team. Once you were an hourly … but no more. Complete perspective shift.

He still is. You can look up his shaman’s logs at this very moment. What are you…what

so changing the story isnt meaningful? or what zones youre okay in vs killed in? there is plenty of meaningful choice without adding power to it.

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He still raids three nights a week with his guild, maybe you’re confusing him with someone else on the team?

Read the allegory of the cave. Then get back to me.

you too

Putting aside the fact that Ion apparently does play this game, why shouldn’t players have input? We know what we like, despite what they want to tell us, and most of us have enough of a base of knowledge to know what’s going to fail. Locking covenants are going to fail, they’re going to be underwhelming and boring, and that’s the best case scenario. Worst case, they’re INSANELY out of balance, and there is just a right option that makes it easy to exclude people who choose based on aesthetics. Is that the road we want to travel?


So when Blizzard do eventually change it (just like they changed Essences, Legion legendaries, etc), will there be infinite complaints that they ruined the RPG elements of WoW, or will it be ok then?

Also Gurgthock Mal Ganis is Ion’s Resto Shaman. He is still a Cutting Edge raider. The goblin in Freehold’s Ring of Booty is named after him lol.


The premise of shadow figures has nothing to do with you being called out on something you claimed was true and was proven wrong. Try again and do better this is getting to the point of being put in a corner and hoping a strawman draws for you

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Reading comprehension is hard. LOL, stay in school.

Don’t pull his finger it will come off


end of the day, the ripcord will be pulled. the reason they are not atm is because they want people to try it (lets ignore 4-5 months of beta testing btw). The fact is if it will be pulled anyways then no need to wait. Just do it now.


That sure was quick, pretty sure this is exactly the type of behavior which made the threads get derailed the first time.

So, for me, I’d need to have ALL the relevant information to make a meaningful choice. The choice loses ALL meaning to me the second they decide to bash the covenants with the nerf hammer, because I’m still stuck with my choice, but they changed the information it was based off of. What’s your definition of a meaningful choice, it apparently differs from mine.

Noone is attacking you, try to keep your points civil and relevant to the point.


Not everyone is (a streamer) in beta to try it. Let us try it.

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Nonsense driven when you try and use a philosophical story to further your own agenda that is currently dying quickly. The entire premise of that story which it is. Is the idea that people don’t know of the actual world because they are in the dark. None of which has anything to do with this current discussion. Therefore I’ll say again, try again and do better. If you want to try and insult someone on a personal level you’re failing horrendously and I am loving it. It reminds me of the death of Socrates. Except you’re not socrates and you kind of remind me of someone dying on their own words in a metaphorical hole. lol


I’m simply pointing out that what I wrote doesn’t mean what he seemed to think it means. It was much nicer then what I wrote the first time.

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