
Let me counter that. If covenants weren’t locked, the guidelines for balance wouldn’t be so strict, and we could actually get some impactful abilities instead of the underpowered, boring abilities we’re slated to get at the moment. Boring, as stated by members of your own team, who are on beta.


they can also focus more on the class designs and issues than this…


I can see how you could frame my post in that light. You are correct.

That would be a entire new concept…
What you are asking is the removal of a feature, a bit like:
World of Warcraft is a online game, but you are asking for the ability to play offline.


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already done because the mission table will be on an app btw.


Can’t wait til all these people who are delighted by the idea of sticking it to the 1% can’t get into a weekly 10 unless they now jump through another hoop that PUG leaders demand.

LF Havoc DH, 2500+ io, must be Necrolord.

Let the salt flow while those of us pushing keys and mythic raiding play with our own groups.


Actually quite the opposite. If you have access to everything. They need to neuter everything across the board, because picking poorly would otherwise be overly punished.

Try again

Solution has always been join a guild.

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but having the covenants atm if you pick poorly its overly punishing.


Alright, so lets take a look at this. We have 12 classes:

4 of those classes have 1 role
5 of those classes have 2 roles
3 of those classes have 3 roles. Those roles being Tank, heals, and dps.

For the classes with one role, more times than not I imagine you are going to play one spec in all content because you are going to choose the spec you prefer and or the spec that is the meta. Like how were choosing the covenant with the ability that we prefer or is the meta for the main content we want to do. Not every single person does everything.

Meaning for soul conduits, those classes with 1 role will likely have 4 potency conduits to play with along with 4 defensive and finesse conduits. Based on how good the potency conduits are determines what you go for, because those conduits are the main draw of the soulbinds The traits they have are bonus. So soulbinds and conduits can theoretically be a nonissue if you don’t zoom in the microscope till the glass cracks.

The differences are going to be in the abilities, at which point your choosing the meta for your preferred content anyway and it becomes a nonissue. If you have two roles, you can figure out what ability works best for those two roles and dedicate two soulbinds to your main spec and one to your offspec.

It all just depends on your view.

No? Because picking poorly wouldn’t be punished by being locked behind a weeks long grind? You could just…select the talent that is strongest for the situation. How is that a punishment, but locking isn’t?

Player choice.


Maybe you should find a new hashtag, nobody is advocating for the removal of covenants.

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It’s the opposite effect from a design standpoint. You are thinking from a player perspective.

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We’re players, of course all of this is from a player perspective. What other options are there?


I can set up the BBQ if anyone wants me to.


From a design stand point they could focus more on the game (the story) and the classes.

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You may set up the BBQ, everyone is remaining respectful and playing by the rules in here.

I won’t allow another thread to divulge into personal attacks in here.

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The game isn’t designed by players is it. That’s why the devs typically don’t do what you want them to. Because there are thousands of other variables you can’t see or choose to ignore.

Ion Hazzikostas is quite literally a mythic raider.


You and your alts are asking for the removal of a nice feature just because it does not fit your play style.
