
So what you are saying, is that for people who want the most power character available, they should NOT pick the most powerful ability available?

Yeah, makes total sense.

No, it definitely isn’t.

Have we really got to the point where Blizzard has failed so often that you have something akin to stockholm syndrome, where you think it is ok that Blizzard fails to balance and the players suffer the results?

It is absolutely ok to expect Blizzard to actually do their jobs and balance conflicting choices, or to design systems that don’t punish players for their failure to do so at a minimum.

hey at least the covenant isn’t given to you by rng :man_shrugging:
blizzard learned one thing

It is an illusion of choice dude. If you have EVERYTHING available without a cost to change, it isn’t a choice, its just a talent, like optimization.

A choice has both benefit, and downside. Sticking with your covenant choice is important, and it looks like Blizz is siding on my opinion here, and seeing how it goes.
Guess gotta just, get over it really.

Remove the class system. Rather have a game where people pick classes with no leveling or gearing requirements and just play.

I’m so tired of Blizzard doing this time and time again. They haven’t learned from the past two expansions beginnings, and here we are ready to make the same mistake again in Shadowlands.

Ion admitted to not having any intention of pulling the ripcord prior to the launch of the expansion. Why is this okay?

If you go to purchase a shirt, and pulling on a thread completely unravels the shirt, then the shirt wasn’t very well made in the first place, now was it? So, let me ask, if pulling the ripcord for the covenant ability system completely tears down everything about the system that was designed, then it wasn’t very well designed in the first place. Impactful player decisions that are tied to player growth should not be one-dimensional. By not sharing the same view of the players, it shows that you do not care. The covenant ability system is flawed, and it has been since it was data mined that you are punished for not only making the wrong decision, but also rerolling roles, or specs, or even just doing a completely different activity. Yet, you guys are so intent on making sure the community doesn’t divide, then you turn around and create this system.

Then Ion waves “#PullTheRipcord” over our nose like hungry animals, just to be told later “so we’re not doing that”. Give it a patch or so, and Blizzard being so “stuck to their guns” and they’ll realize “so we messed up…”

Look at Legion, if you got two bad legendaries in a row, most people recreated their character, leveled from 1-110, rouletted the legendary RNG again, because it was faster to do that, then to try for the third legendary, until they added the stacking bad-luck mechanic not even a patch later, and when people were complaining about falling behind on the AP grind, they weren’t so intent on sticking to their guns then. Certainly around BFA, they went back on nearly every system they proposed after it was poorly received. Azerite Gear RNG and Corruption RNG. Both of which now have vendors despite them supposed to be “player choice”. Yet here we are again with it in a different coat of paint.


And how is making a decision without all the relevant information NOT the illusion of choice? Like, what we’re talking about is, at best, a guess. Now, do I choose the best or second best ability because Blizzard will at some point balance the best ability into the ground. But, then they’ll come for the second best ability after. What a choice.


There are literally guides on it on several sites, the information is there, note also, before making the choice you get to see the abilities you get…

No, its all there, for you to read, availble to see, AND you get to test them while leveling. It isn’t some “surprise” choice

I play other mmos, and nothing has ever stayed the same in them. Power has change stats has changed.

If Shadowlands would be what the community wanted. It would be MOP/Legion combine and that would be boring. I play MMOS for new ideas, new stories and new systems.

What succeeded in the past will not in the future. We pay money for progression, and we got it. Just because you all don’t like or agree with it does not mean it did not happen.

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Only currently. As I stated, once Blizzard comes to balance the ability I chose into the ground, the choice I made is no longer based on relevant information. If Blizzard needs to make any tuning passes at all this expansion, their key system is going to lose all meaning.

…Blizzard released changes and they are always datamined before hand, so you get to make an educated decision. Nothing is just out of the blue with WoW anymore.

No, it really isn’t as likely the key choice won’t have any serious issues, as by the time they do it most casual playing people will also have their covenants maxed out anyways.

Maxed out just in time to need to swap and start regrinding! Gotta pad them time played metrics, i guess? You don’t actually see that as a solid defense, do you?

Don’t you see how you are crying the sky is falling without any tangible evidence and just that some don’t like it?

maybe it was a crop top?

I feel like they’ve just gotten so a** deep in the covenant system now there is just no time to fix it before 9.0.2 so he has to say everything is fine until 9.2 comes out. (remember it’s his job to smile and market just as well)

There are pros and cons to every decision. You can’t hand wave away the drawbacks of trend chasing because you don’t like them.

Do you really see me crying and claiming the game is over, or are you frustrated because I’m countering your points? We were having a discussion, and now youre screaming at birds. Who’s the one going off the rails here?

Ok boomer.

Ladies and gentlemen, I present the great minds behind the anti ripcord team.

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